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  1. #21
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    PC gaming is my most fond hobby. I've been enjoying razors for a few months now. I'd like to think that I don't drink often enough to call it a hobby, but I do love me some single malt scotch. I bike on occasion and love tinkering with electronics.

    Traveling and eating are also two of my favorite things.

    @Oglethorpe: Where in Italy are you visiting and which COD? I visited Rome, Florence and Venice in '06 and play World at War on occasion.

  2. #22
    I Dull Sheffields
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    Hey Commiecat....

    I'll be landing in Milan, heading to Venice, Bologna, Florence (and surrounding Tuscany/Chianti region), and then down to Rome and flying back from there. Can't wait.

    I do have World at War, but I don't think it holds a candle to Modern Warfare, which for me was the best game to hit the PC since Quake 3. I played something like 900 hours of that game (xfire keeps track -- pathetic, I know).

    And then I made the mistake of giving the world of warcraft free trial a go, and it got it's damn dirty meat hooks into me and I've been playing it exclusively for about 3-4 months now. Dropped CoD altogether. When the new one comes out this fall/winter, I'll be getting it though.


  3. #23
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oglethorpe View Post
    Hey Commiecat....

    I'll be landing in Milan, heading to Venice, Bologna, Florence (and surrounding Tuscany/Chianti region), and then down to Rome and flying back from there. Can't wait.

    I do have World at War, but I don't think it holds a candle to Modern Warfare, which for me was the best game to hit the PC since Quake 3. I played something like 900 hours of that game (xfire keeps track -- pathetic, I know).

    And then I made the mistake of giving the world of warcraft free trial a go, and it got it's damn dirty meat hooks into me and I've been playing it exclusively for about 3-4 months now. Dropped CoD altogether. When the new one comes out this fall/winter, I'll be getting it though.

    Well we only spent 10 days in the country total, but of the three cities we visited, Florence was our favorite by far (which was unexpected). Our hotel, whose name I've forgotten, offered advance tickets for the museums (Accademia and Uffizi) which you should look into. The lines were pretty long, although we went during June to watch World Cup so there were lots of tourists wanting to see David.

    Probably had the best full-course meal of my life at a place called Buca Lapi (Restaurant BUCA LAPI). I could go on and on about that area, but if you love food, wine, art and gorgeous landscapes, then Florence is the place.

    I'll check out MW2 when it comes out. I went from the Quake series to Unreal because I love the twitch sci-fi shooters. Here's my Xfire if you want to add me:


  4. #24
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    Have way more hobbies than I have funding for, buts that life.
    Anyways here is the not inclusive list as I'm sure I forgot a few
    -Motorcycles, owning, riding, wrenching
    -Bicycles, owning, riding, wrenching
    -Recently straight razors, there is just thing wicked, evil, and fun about them
    -Weightlifting and running
    -Video games
    -firefighting and EMS
    -Boston Red Sox( though I live in Yankeedom)

    And yes I am following Lance's return to the tour. Being a Lance Armstrong fan must have rubbed off from my dad as he is a big fan of biking and a bigger fan of Lance.

  5. #25
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    For me it's the following in no particular order:

    Knives and knifemaking
    Reading anything
    Playing guitar mostly accoustic
    Video editing occasionally
    every once in a while I do a little stonecarving

  6. #26
    Junior Member
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    I used to be into:

    Car repair
    Computers (building, gaming)
    Home brewing

    Then I got married and subsequently 2 kids, now I don't seem to have any spare time or money.

    The car repairs wait until they break completely and the computers no longer get upgraded until something quits working.

    I've only managed to get to a shooting range twice in the last 3 years, and the brewing equipment has 10 yrs of dust in it.

  7. #27
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kreigle View Post
    I used to be into:

    Car repair
    Computers (building, gaming)
    Home brewing

    Then I got married and subsequently 2 kids, now I don't seem to have any spare time or money.

    The car repairs wait until they break completely and the computers no longer get upgraded until something quits working.

    I've only managed to get to a shooting range twice in the last 3 years, and the brewing equipment has 10 yrs of dust in it.
    Sounds SOOOO familier...

  8. #28
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    • Hunting: rifle, pistol, or bow.
    • Camping, going ultralight most of the time. Foraging (another hobby) where possible.
    • Canoeing, combined with the previous (when possible).
    • Climbing, technical; or soloing (self-belayed) (not so much lately).
    • Knives.
    • Several shooting sports. Informal benchrest rifle, rifle silhouette, and pistol steel plate matches are top favorites.
    • Woodcarving, mostly chip-carving.
    • Bicycling.
    • Hiking.
    • Cooking and food-drying.
    • Trying to maintain the same exercise routine, since the mid-70's, is a challenging hobby...

    A couple of others. Others have come-and-gone, but the above have been long-term.
    Last edited by Sticky; 07-17-2009 at 03:45 AM.

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