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Thread: Guns Guns and MORE Guns

  1. #1331
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Nasty Lil things. Makes a hell of a mess to those on the receiving end.
    Yes, I can imagine they would.

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  2. #1332
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    I personally use the Winchester Black Talons in my 45. They don't make them anymore, but they are quite nasty if you are on the receiving end of one of these. The ones that Pete shoots are probably even nastier than Black Talons.

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  3. #1333
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    I personally use the Winchester Black Talons in my 45. They don't make them anymore, but they are quite nasty if you are on the receiving end of one of these. The ones that Pete shoots are probably even nastier than Black Talons.

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    Yep same here, in just about every carry weapon I own,,

    I have been told by pretty reliable sources the Golden Sabers are actually better with faster expansion, I just haven't bothered to change yet
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  4. #1334
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    I still like the .45 ACP best of all in the 1911 guns.

    I do tote one fairly often. It's simply stoked with plain ol' Winchester Western 230 grain jacketed hollow points. If it opens up, then that's "gravy." If it doesn't then ... .45 caliber and heavy weight bullet!

    Here's the main 1911 toter, a 1967 vintage Colt Government Model. Was found with four other older pre-Series 70 Government Models and an early Commander that an Abilene, Texas pawn shop was selling off for an estate. All were in pristine, new-in-the-box or near to it condition and priced accordingly except this one. An employee of the pawn shop had dropped this one and it landed sights first on a concrete floor in the back room. Sights were squuushed. The pistol was otherwise unscathed. They offered to make me a "real deal." I thought to myself: "There's a new toter, right there." Brought it home and ordered out some Harrison Retro sights for it, stuck some medallion stocks on it sent by a kind 1911 bud and have been toting it for the past six years now.

    Barranti "Ranger" model holster, the closest copy of the excellent Brill holster of the early to mid 20th century that I've found. Looks and fit characteristics both mimic the Brill quite nicely which is something I admire. I've only had this one a year and a half or so. The '67 Government Model frequently goes to town and in the field in more utilitarian looking holsters. This one's for special.

    Here's the '47 Government Model in a pre-war Brill for comparison. This holster is now well worn by this point in time, yet the pistol still seems to be sucked tightly into this non-retention holster yet the draw is effortless. The pistol's cant contributes to excellent presentation when required.
    Last edited by noelekal; 07-03-2022 at 04:08 AM.

  5. #1335
    Senior Member Johntoad57's Avatar
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    You sure have a lot of 1911 style 45's!
    Semper Fi !


  6. #1336
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Johntoad57 View Post
    I can tell you from personal experience the 45ACP is definitely a stopper round!
    Yes it did
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  7. #1337
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    Does anyone load these? I was at the range this weekend and used up the Fed Hydroshocks I had been keeping in my guns. They had been in them for over twenty years. I figured it was time to cycle in some fresh ones. This is all they had at my shop. I’ve seen mixed reviews of them.

  8. #1338
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OCDshaver View Post
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    Does anyone load these? I was at the range this weekend and used up the Fed Hydroshocks I had been keeping in my guns. They had been in them for over twenty years. I figured it was time to cycle in some fresh ones. This is all they had at my shop. I’ve seen mixed reviews of them.
    I haven't used them myself (See Above), but I have heard good solid reviews on them, right now you pretty much gotta go with what is available on the shelves

    I am noticing more and more ammo available, reloading supplies are still pretty scarce, I managed to score enough rifle powder for my two newest hunting rifles to last me the rest of my hunting life I hope

    Haven't found any of the bullets I want for my 35 Whelen, I saw some 185 grain Barnes TTSX but none of the 225 TSX I am after. I am holding off final tweaking on the rifle to the last minute before Elk Season. Murphy's law says as soon as I work up a load with the new brass and Accu-Bonds I have in hand, a box of 225 Barnes will appear on the Shelf like an Elf
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  9. #1339
    Senior Member blabbermouth markbignosekelly's Avatar
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    Thanks for all your replies, gents. They are mostly what I thought; collecting, the history, hunting and using them on the range. Like razors and swords I find the historic side fascinating and as a veteran Royal Engineer I used to love shooting and blowing things up.
    Top of most peoples list was for protection. This is something that I don't fully understand, I daresay I would have the same opinion if I was in your shoes but in the UK knives crime is on a high but, even if it was legal, I would never feel the need to carry a knife. I'm privileged enough to live somewhere where crime is relatively low so maybe in different circumstances I would feel different.

    It was nice to have your responses especially John's family tradition, passing down guns and a bond from father to son, father to son.

  10. #1340
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by markbignosekelly View Post
    Thanks for all your replies, gents. They are mostly what I thought; collecting, the history, hunting and using them on the range. Like razors and swords I find the historic side fascinating and as a veteran Royal Engineer I used to love shooting and blowing things up.
    Top of most peoples list was for protection. This is something that I don't fully understand, I daresay I would have the same opinion if I was in your shoes but in the UK knives crime is on a high but, even if it was legal, I would never feel the need to carry a knife. I'm privileged enough to live somewhere where crime is relatively low so maybe in different circumstances I would feel different.

    It was nice to have your responses especially John's family tradition, passing down guns and a bond from father to son, father to son.
    I didn't know you were in the Engineers Mark.

    It's a shame that there's not enough Tanks for everyone to be a tanky eh?
    BobH and markbignosekelly like this.
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