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Thread: (not your common everyday) PETS
02-08-2010, 01:22 AM #1
(not your common everyday) PETS
hey SRPers, how many of you provide a loving home to an unconventional yet cherished family pet, heres me with my 4 foot iguana "ezzy", post pics if you got em.
02-08-2010, 01:36 AM #2
That is a nice Iguana!
When I lived in the States, I had a lovely Bearded Dragon named Fafnir.
We also had birds--A sun conure, two lovebirds, and three parrotlets.
It was a fun house...
02-08-2010, 01:42 AM #3
I don't have them anymore ( been a couple years or so(6+), but I used to keep Emperor scorpions and a couple different breeds of Tarantula. Had the Emperors set up with their own blacklight so that they'd "glow". Kind of difficult to keep humidity & teps just right but all in all very interesting creatures.
02-08-2010, 01:58 AM #4
02-08-2010, 03:36 AM #5
i have had many pet rats over the years but my two recent ones were deadger and morty both hairless males who got together great and we very human friendly. my sister would make fart noises on them like mothers do to there baby's stomachs.
yes that is a rat with a shoelace used as a leash
02-08-2010, 04:40 AM #6
When I was in college, a kid on my hall had a hedgehog. His roomate, who was Indian (from India) and had a pretty thick accent, was unable to pronounce "hedgehog." But he still went around, asking everyone if they wanted to see his roommate's... well, I won't repeat it.
02-08-2010, 04:45 AM #7
02-08-2010, 04:53 AM #8
That is a fat rat!
We had two rats when I was growing up. First we had Ricky the Rat. He died and we had a little funeral in the backyard. My dad got all choked up and my grandfather laughed at him. Then we had Ricky 2. Eventually he went, too, but I don't think my pop was as emotionally attached to #2.#2 hung out in the freezer for the rest of the winter until he could be buried.
02-08-2010, 06:15 AM #9
Nice beast, Kyle. Iguanas make good friendly family pets if well cared for. I'm just a boring cat guy myself. I was charged with the care of a tarantula once and put it in the window not realising it was nocturnal. Of course it roasted in the sun, poor thing. That was the end of my exotic pet days. For now at least. Who knows, maybe Little Man will one day want a pet snake or something.
Man, a couple days growth and the guy gets picked on.
02-08-2010, 06:18 AM #10
lol i was growing in my beard a lil, i thought my stubble would be called into question. i mostly just shave my neck and keep my beard lines nice and clean. i dont look that handsome clean shaven haha.