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Thread: Lock picking

  1. #21
    100% STRAIGHT TheSkyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blastbar View Post
    Hi, great to hear your stories, I was just wondering if anyone knew what sort of prices I should be paying for a basic starter kit? I've looked on the internet and they're all about £25GBP for a 5 piece set and at 16 still in school without a job I can't really afford to be getting ripped off
    Thanks for any advice, Josh
    The Klom Navigator set is a very complete, durable and affordable set. For $32,49 (including shipping) you get everything you will ever need. The set can open padlocks, cylinder locks, wafer locks, car locks and a whole lot else :P

    Be aware that even though this is probably the best set you can buy for the price these are not magical open door instruments. It takes time and practice and can get frustrating. Also, please abide by the local law and check whether it's legal or not to own these. Last but not least, stick with the picker code

    "I will only pick locks that are mine or that I have been given explicate permission to pick. I take upon myself the responsibility to check whether the locks belongs to the person giving me permission to pick it and will take full and unconditional responsibility for my actions. I will NEVER use my skill for any other purpose than entertainment and I will certainly not conduct any illegal actions"

    That said:

    Klom Navigator Lock Pick Set $32,49
    (by clicking this link I promise TheSkyer to abide by the picker code, if not he has full permission to behead me with a very dull straight razor :P)

  2. #22
    Senior Member wdwrx's Avatar
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    I've read a couple of articles on-line about "lock bumping". It was blood chilling to see how fast and easily a lock could be defeated.

    YouTube - Lock Bumping and Bump Keys

  • #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    This thread was parked for a short while for a Mod Team review. While we do not have an issue with the topic as information is readily available on the internet we do advise caution in observing your local laws including laws pertaining to carrying and use of these tools and techniques. Keep all posts on the legal side of this topic.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  • #24
    100% STRAIGHT TheSkyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wdwrx View Post
    I've read a couple of articles on-line about "lock bumping". It was blood chilling to see how fast and easily a lock could be defeated.

    YouTube - Lock Bumping and Bump Keys

    Lets not discus bumping here as it has nothing to do with lock picking but defeating the lock in a totally different way.

    As said before, there are always easier ways to get into a place than picking a lock and this is the only reason I am comfortable talking about it.

    As suggested above Medico locks are pretty resistant to bumping and other such attacks but no lock is 100% hack/crack proof.

    Should you have concerns about your locks I can advice you to use better brand locks, maybe even European locks such as ABUS as they are cheap, very hard to pick and uncommon in the US (burglars won't expect there to be a euro lock on your door). Kwikset and Schlage are common locks in the US but for all people out there, they are not the best (I can get those open in under a minute). Do not use such deadbolts on your front door if you are truly concerned about your private security.

    Don't panic if you do use these locks. Locks are still a perfect way to keep people out as very few posses the knowledge, practice, tools and patience to actually defeat a lock by using lock picks.

  • #25
    Senior Member Vekta's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSkyer View Post
    Lets not discus bumping here as it has nothing to do with lock picking but defeating the lock in a totally different way.

    As said before, there are always easier ways to get into a place than picking a lock and this is the only reason I am comfortable talking about it.

    As suggested above Medico locks are pretty resistant to bumping and other such attacks but no lock is 100% hack/crack proof.

    Should you have concerns about your locks I can advice you to use better brand locks, maybe even European locks such as ABUS as they are cheap, very hard to pick and uncommon in the US (burglars won't expect there to be a euro lock on your door). Kwikset and Schlage are common locks in the US but for all people out there, they are not the best (I can get those open in under a minute). Do not use such deadbolts on your front door if you are truly concerned about your private security.

    Don't panic if you do use these locks. Locks are still a perfect way to keep people out as very few posses the knowledge, practice, tools and patience to actually defeat a lock by using lock picks.
    Most of the time the lock isn't the problem. It's the weak door frame the bolt thingy goes into. I've been looking into replacing the locks on all our doors for a while along with reinforcing and armoring the door frame.
    Chevhead likes this.

  • #26
    Senior Member wdwrx's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSkyer View Post
    Lets not discus bumping here as it has nothing to do with lock picking but defeating the lock in a totally different way.

    As said before, there are always easier ways to get into a place than picking a lock and this is the only reason I am comfortable talking about it.....

    Sorry, wasn't trying to high-jack your thread.

  • #27
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    Yikes! Makes me want to put in that camera system with hiden DVR on a battery back up.

    I can't keep them all out but, from the time you enter the driveway you are on camera.

    I use to be a mechanic, and as such I frequently had to get into trucks that customers had locked the keys up in.

    While on a trip to a sporting event. A friend of ours locked his keys in the back of his car.
    We called the cops, and I cringed as he ripped that slim jim all around inside the door with visions of shreded wiring and such.
    He finally gave up and I ask if I could try.
    You should have seen the look on there faces when I stuck it in and made one little move and the door lock poped up. It was priceless!
    Truth was I just got lucky on that one.

    I have done the samething for several other people.
    It is very nice to be able to help somebody in panic mode because their child has locked them outside the car with the engine running.


  • #28
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    ahhh thank you for the information I think one shall be ordered shortly

  • #29
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheSkyer View Post
    Besides for padlocks and cylinders there are special tools to open them with almost no training.
    Keys, most locks come supplied with at least two.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  • #30
    100% STRAIGHT TheSkyer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    Keys, most locks come supplied with at least two.
    Keys are for cheaters without the skill to open a lock the proper way :P

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