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  1. #11
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    India Pale Ale, first brewed in Liverpool for shipping to India in the days of the British Empire.
    Allegedly made stronger than other beers to survive the long sea voyage, a claim which some say isn't correct.
    More importantly, it makes the journey to my local pub in very drinkable condition.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  2. #12
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nzFuzzy View Post
    If you're into something a little more adventurous, drop a jalapeno (or similar chilli pepper) into the bottle before capping. A very "warming" beer, great for winter. ] Scares the unsuspecting too. A real eye opener!
    Funny you should mention the "pepper" thing. I definitely plan on making a chocolate/chilli pepper stout this winter. I feel like it could easily go terribly wrong, but it is worth a try. The jellybean thing is interesting too....I guess you could dip the jellybean into sanitizer prior to putting it in the bottle right?

    BTW, attached is a pic of the Green Flash IPA mentioned in the OP. Had a few last night.
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  3. #13
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by welshwizard View Post
    India Pale Ale, first brewed in Liverpool for shipping to India in the days of the British Empire.
    Allegedly made stronger than other beers to survive the long sea voyage, a claim which some say isn't correct.
    More importantly, it makes the journey to my local pub in very drinkable condition.
    I believe the theory is that an extraordinary amount of hops were added to IPA's originally for shipping to India as a preservative. The high hop content would help to ward off bacteria that could infect the beer.

    In fact, I was reading the ingredients on my deodorant yesterday and one of the ingredients is humulus lupulus which is just a fancy way of saying "HOPS!"

  4. #14
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    Home brewing. Now that is another true art form.
    I used to brew all my own beer.
    There is not much out there that truely compares to a good all grain home brew.
    I guess the closest thing I have had is Shiner Bock out of Texas.
    It kind of reminds me of a Oktoberfest that I use to make.

    I had some pretty interesting equipment that I had made to filter out the hops transfer and cool the wort from Pot to carboy.
    I had a few honey ales that I made that were high gravity brews.
    Those were sleeper brews that would sneek up on people with 8 or 9% alc. =

    Everytime I made beer the wife would come in and grimice at the hop smell that would fill the house.

    I sure do miss the keg in the refrigerator.


  5. #15
    Scutarius Fbones24's Avatar
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    I think we are on to something here.

    How about a "hop" scented line of shave products. Soap, aftershave, etc. Hops are antibacterial and probably serve some purpose in skin care right?

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