Yes I would... I had a very large Mario in the past but it was more of a table piece ;)
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Here's a Bonfiglioli that he donated to the 2005 CPCC Pipe Show's Golf Outing and I won in a drawing, unsmoked.
Opened a tin of 6 year old Haddo's Delight this morning. So much better than brand new tobac. Reminds me that I need to start buying it by the pound and cellaring it for at least 3 years. The bottom half of my pipe cabinet is full of cellared tobacco.
I have a 200 gr tin of Dunhill 965 from 1992 that is waiting for my second retirement day, that is four years from now.
Attachment 195645 well I am the proud new owner of a mario grandi
No picture tonight... Three bowles of Smok'in Black Cherry in a new MM Cob courtesy of spacemonkeyjon...
The blend is good... No harsh cherry and the Latikia is mellow...
You could say that... The Cherry doesn't "shine" in the blend... It's more of a sweet note... My co-worker said he could smell it, but being the smoker, I have a hard time picking up on the aromas...
He asked me to go sit in his truck and smoke the bowl... I guess he liked the room note that much...