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Thread: Pipe of the Day

  1. #9821
    Senior Member blabbermouth 1OldGI's Avatar
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    There are several, McClellands has two, Dominican Glory and Dominican Glory Maduro. C&D Billy Budd, which I smoke a bit of in the Fall and Winter has maduro leaf as does a Hearth and Home blend called Stogie. I've not sampled the McClelland blends but Billy Budd is quite good (although the cigar leaf is generally drowned out by HEAVY latakia content). Stogie is good but rather mild, there's really not much there, there. Oddly the most cigarish pipe tobacco I've ever smoked has no cigar leaf in it at all. It's my all time favorite tobacco C&D Old Joe Krantz. It's a wonderful mix of two Burleys, Virginia and lots of Perique. The result if a wonderfully cigary, borderline harsh but ever so tasty smoke that, as far as I'm concerned, has NO EQUAL in the pipe smoking world (in fact I think I'll smoke some later today.)
    Last edited by 1OldGI; 06-22-2014 at 11:16 AM.
    The older I get, the better I was

  2. #9822
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    There are several, McClellands has two, Dominican Glory and Dominican Glory Maduro. C&D Billy Budd, which I smoke a bit of in the Fall and Winter has maduro leaf as does a Hearth and Home blend called Stogie. I've not sampled the McClelland blends but Billy Budd is quite good (although the cigar leaf is generally drowned out by HEAVY latakia content). Stogie is good but rather mild, there's really not much there, there. Oddly the most cigarish pipe tobacco I've ever smoked has no cigar leaf in it at all. It's my all time favorite tobacco C&D Old Joe Krantz. It's a wonderful mix of two Burleys, Virginia and lots of Perique. The result if a wonderfully cigary, borderline harsh but ever so tasty smoke that, as far as I'm concerned, has NO EQUAL in the pipe smoking world (in fact I think I'll smoke some later today.)
    Ha, that's awesome. Enjoy that OJK with Gusto my friend.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  3. #9823
    32t is offline
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    The squirrel is at it again.

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  4. #9824
    Senior Member spacemonkeyjon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    The squirrel is at it again.

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    that's a nice look meer he took
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  6. #9825
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    Stanwell with Paul's Burley Light. Mild, dense smoke. Giving the latakia a rest.
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  7. #9826
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    There are several, McClellands has two, Dominican Glory and Dominican Glory Maduro. C&D Billy Budd, which I smoke a bit of in the Fall and Winter has maduro leaf as does a Hearth and Home blend called Stogie. I've not sampled the McClelland blends but Billy Budd is quite good (although the cigar leaf is generally drowned out by HEAVY latakia content). Stogie is good but rather mild, there's really not much there, there. Oddly the most cigarish pipe tobacco I've ever smoked has no cigar leaf in it at all. It's my all time favorite tobacco C&D Old Joe Krantz. It's a wonderful mix of two Burleys, Virginia and lots of Perique. The result if a wonderfully cigary, borderline harsh but ever so tasty smoke that, as far as I'm concerned, has NO EQUAL in the pipe smoking world (in fact I think I'll smoke some later today.)
    Couldn't agree more. OJK is my evening smoke 90% of the time. Had it yesterday while driving across state to pick up a new 1911 and today during the after range cleaning. I'll post pictures a little later.
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  8. #9827
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1OldGI View Post
    There are several, McClellands has two, Dominican Glory and Dominican Glory Maduro. C&D Billy Budd, which I smoke a bit of in the Fall and Winter has maduro leaf as does a Hearth and Home blend called Stogie. I've not sampled the McClelland blends but Billy Budd is quite good (although the cigar leaf is generally drowned out by HEAVY latakia content). Stogie is good but rather mild, there's really not much there, there. Oddly the most cigarish pipe tobacco I've ever smoked has no cigar leaf in it at all. It's my all time favorite tobacco C&D Old Joe Krantz. It's a wonderful mix of two Burleys, Virginia and lots of Perique. The result if a wonderfully cigary, borderline harsh but ever so tasty smoke that, as far as I'm concerned, has NO EQUAL in the pipe smoking world (in fact I think I'll smoke some later today.)
    I was gonna add, ya had me up till the Perique unfortunately. I can't take much Perique as it gets kinda throaty on me in a not good way.However, between you and Spacemonkeyjon I now have more of and interest in Burly blends +1 on that.
    Sailor, MickR, briarup and 2 others like this.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  9. #9828
    Fizzy Laces Connoisseur
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    I am currently sitting in my back garden with the Orlik filled with presbyterian. Don't smoke it often, but enjoy it when I do.


  10. #9829
    Senior Member GrimClippers's Avatar
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    OJK in the Peterson after a long day at the range Sunday. Name:  image.jpg
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    TheGeek (06-24-2014)

  12. #9830
    Senior Member IamSt8ght's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GrimClippers View Post
    OJK in the Peterson after a long day at the range Sunday.
    Nice Stainless 1911.
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  13. The Following User Says Thank You to IamSt8ght For This Useful Post:

    GrimClippers (06-25-2014)

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