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Thread: Philosophy

  1. #11
    Still learning markevens's Avatar
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    My philosophy is to do small things that make people smile. It makes me happy to do it, and its nice to bring a smile to the faces of those around me.

  2. #12
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Plan ahead to leave something great. (for me that's my kids) And take each day as it comes.

  3. #13
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    Enjoy the little things in life, keep a sense of humour and if theres two ways that something can be taken and one of them is offensive, the chances are the person meant it the other way!

    Its easy to let things get on top of you, and its easy to let one thing in your life cloud everything else. I've been guilty of that in the past myself! But I try to enjoy each day as it comes and even if the work day was terrible I can still go home to SWMBO and the kittens and have a glass of wine!

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  5. #14
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    As the song says: "Sometimes you're the Louisville Slugger, sometimes you're the ball"
    Only lunatics feel great all the time.
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    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  6. #15
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    Default My father always said....

    if you want to be happy in life, marry an ugly wife! he was of course joking, as my mom, and my wife are both beautiful women, but what it really means is have a laugh, and don't take yourself, or your situation to serious. I also think you should drink at least a pint of beer at the end of each day.

  7. #16
    Senior Member squatman's Avatar
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    I agree with WESCAP--"Life is short, sieze the day"--friends, family, a good cup of coffee, a great pipe toabacco, a nice martini--we have it pretty darn good my friends!

  8. #17
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squatman View Post
    I agree with WESCAP--"Life is short, sieze the day"
    I think that the realisation of just how short life is, but that you still have to work 50-60 hrs a week to pay the bills, is when the depression sets in.
    Maybe if we could say: " Life is long and there is plenty of time left to do the things that I still want to do " we would feel better.
    'Living the dream, one nightmare at a time'

  9. #18
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    I think that life is far too short to hang myself into this or that philosophy.
    I rather enjoy those things that are good in my life, even the little ones and try to accept those things that i can't change. And not take myself too seriously.
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    'That is what i do. I drink and i know things'
    -Tyrion Lannister.

  10. #19
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    I just try to live today, yesterday is over, tomorrow hasn't happened, no point in worring about either. ca sera sera , what will be will be.

  11. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I think that adults who spend too much time and energy chasing "happiness" probably don't find too much of it, or else it's a facile happiness based on ignorance or self-delusions. I've never trusted people who smile all the time. Little kids at play, young people in love with the world by the balls, they don't have to think about it or "pursue" it in therapy or self-help books. But then it becomes a lot like a puck of wet shaving soap-very slippery and hard to hold on to. Now fulfillment on the other hand...

    Hmmm, I find myself often in the pursuit of a quiet peace and grace, a little truth and beauty, a zen sort of "flow," those sorts of things. I used to pursue them with an acoustic guitar, now it's more likely wielding a fly rod on a mountain stream. Every now and then, maybe on a crisp fall day when the afternoon sun sets the leaves on fire in reds, golds, and russets in the Pisgah mountains, and maybe if the trout are biting and I'm enjoying the camaraderie of my son and a fishing buddy (and I'm not hung up and cursing in the rhododendron!), I forget myself and catch little glimpses of some of them, and maybe that's all we get...

    And yes, the older I get, the more I know it really is the little things. Turns out Thoreau was right: "Simplify, simplify, simplify." Whether it's an Andy Griffith episode watched for the millionth time with the family, a student who "gets it," today's walk in the fields with my dog, or a particularly nice shave where all the elements clicked, enjoy the simple blessings. Aaron
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