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Thread: Ink.

  1. #11
    Inane Rambler Troggie's Avatar
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    It took me about 5 years and countless drawings to come up with the tattoo I have ( currently only have 1 but looking to get more ).

    If it is something that has meaning to only you be prepared to explain and if you don't want possible mixed messages then maybe re-design so it's meaning is not easily mistaken or forces people to ask about it instead of just assuming they know the meaning.

    Another option that was given to me when I was working through different renditions was to create a temporary tattoo and put it on to see reactions as well has how you like looking at it after a couple of days

    . I found that since it had such a distinct meaning to me I loved it and still do today and am happy to explain what it means to anyone who asks.

  2. #12
    Shavling JokiJo's Avatar
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    I appreciate the input guys.

    Just to clear something up- I'm not unstable or troubled, I don't have suicidal thoughts or anything like that. I do however, have emotional baggage that is appropriate for having lost friends and family. I think I would have to feel nothing at all to not have some strong emotions about the whole deal.

    This is tattoo isn't closure, or a scream for attention. I grew up with a very healthy sense of self worth, and I love both my body and my ability. I imagine you will meet very few kids these days who are content with their position in life and don't wish for something better or more glorious, because they disappointed in the position they're in now. I actively pursue better circumstances but I also realize enjoying being yourself is more important then enjoying a good job or better car or whatever the case may be. I also believe life isn't always about being happy, it's ok to be unhappy, and it's normal. it's one of those if there was no dark there would be no light type of things.

    That aside, I think of the tattoo as a kind of battle scar, and an invitation to ask about my story and maybe learn a bit of lesson that I went to hell and back to learn. It's a representation of my self worth, and what I had to learn and go through to earn it. Definitely not a representation of depression or repression.

    As for professional help? I'm pretty sure there's many a counselor and psychologist who would be the one learning something new about how to deal with emotional trauma from me rather then the other way around. I don't believe in generalizing a person and giving them all the same textbook cure. Everyone is unique and needs a different type of medicine. That's part of the reason we associate ourselves with who we do, and sometime why people marry people or fall in love or have certain hobbies. We find what works for us, and most of the time it's not what works for everyone.

  3. #13
    Senior Member sbrouwers's Avatar
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    If it's what you want get it. Tattoos are for you and not for everyone else. I have several (left arm sleeve, left leg sleeve, right leg has a big piece and my ribs) and not everyone understands or gets what is there but they are not for them they are for me. I love every piece I have even the first one I got 13 years ago.

    Now the idea you have sound like it will make a kick ass tattoo. Run with it.

  4. #14
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    It sounds like you've put quite a bit of thought into this, so it isn't like you're walking into some shop and choosing from the flash on the walls. It's something you've designed and has personal meaning. Those are the best tattoos. I'm covered in them and all of them have special meaning. The one you're talking about getting will be covered when it needs to be, ie job interviews, school, etc, so it's not like anyone will even notice unless you want them to. As for a future woman in your life taking it the wrong way, I'm sure if she means anything to you you'll have explained what you've been through in life so that she knows the real you. Then you can show her the tattoo and she'll know the meaning.


  5. #15
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    You're 18 now, so did you get the tattoo or have you decided to wait a while longer?

  6. #16
    Shavling JokiJo's Avatar
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    turned 18 today. deposit is down and I'm waiting for the schedule to open ASAP to get it done

  7. #17
    Sharp as a spoon. ReardenSteel's Avatar
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    From what you described, it will be interesting to hear how long it takes and if more than one session will be needed. Please post some pictures of it when complete or as a work in progress.

  8. #18
    Shavling JokiJo's Avatar
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    5 1/2 hours under the needle and a pack and of a half of the cowboy killers and it's done. It looks...much better then I ever expected. It's definitely a crazy good piece done by a crazy good artist. pics to follow. for now, I'm just glad to be home and not have a half dozen needles spitting lava into my sternum.

  9. #19
    Shavling JokiJo's Avatar
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    I particularly like the last one. Some of my favorite things- strops, guns, books, tattoos and piercings.
    Last edited by JokiJo; 05-01-2011 at 08:46 AM.

  10. #20
    the deepest roots TwistedOak's Avatar
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    That looks great! I'm glad you went big on your first piece, a lot of newbies to tattoing (myself included) get scared of size and the picture suffers. Now you'll need to fill am arm or two and you're set!

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