So, over the years, I've gone through very brief phases where I'm into cigars. They usually coincide with my trips down to the Carolina's or a breakup or something of the sort. But last year or so, when on my way to a camping trip, I stopped at the local gas station and got a corncob pipe and some basic pouch tobacco. The aroma was great but I just couldn't handle the flavor.

And here I am again. I'm going to Myrtle Beach in a few weeks and I'd like a pipe and some decent beginner tobacco to join me. So I'm looking for a recommendation on a good BEGINNER pipe, one that I don't have to spend a lot on because I'm not going to smoke it a ton, and a good, easy to smoke tobacco.

There is a tobacconist not far from my office that I might hit up in the next few days or so. But I'd rather not go in blind. So...any help is appreciated.