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Thread: Hams, what's your station like?

  1. #1
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Default Hams, what's your station like?

    Just curious what the other hams on the board use.
    I'm rebuilding my station, using mobile rigs.
    I have a Kenwood Ts-480SAT hf radio that I recently
    Had opened for MARS use, a Kenwood TM-V7A dual band (the one with the blue face that's unreadable in the daylight). Antenna wise, I have a homebrew dual band copper j-pole, a Hy-Gain 14AVQ and a G5RV for hf use.I may venture into building a long wire.

    Handheld wise I have a Yaesu FT-50R dual band, a Icom IC-V8 2 meter, and a Kenwood TS-F6A tri band on the way.

    I need to pick up a larger power supply in the next month or two.

  2. #2
    Senior Member sinnfein's Avatar
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    I've always wanted to get into it but never have, just don't know any thing about it


  3. #3
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    It's actually pretty simple. The FCC has all but done away with morse code.
    The questions and answers are available on the Internet, the test itself is multiple choice.
    There are only 3 classes of license now, down from 5. Start studying for the tech license, that's the first, and
    there are clubs all over the country that administer the tests.

    I started out before code was no longer a requirement, but only learned to receive at 5wpm. I have my general
    class license, which is the mid-class "ticket". Extra is top dog. I just can't seem to motivate myself to start
    studying again lol.I might though, I'm starting to get the radio bug again, buying new equipment and starting to get it all hooked up. Kinda like a new soon as you get it you want to shave right that moment.

  4. #4
    Senior Member PaulKidd's Avatar
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    Default Radio Acquisition Disorder

    There's another form of RAD: RADIO Acquisition Disorder, and if the ham radio bug
    bites you, you're gonna get it!

    My station:
    Elecraft K3, Yaesu FT-450, Yaesu FT-857
    SteppIR 3 element yagi, SteppIR BigIR vertical, 5 element 6M yagi, G5RV
    Assorted keys, keyers, and Heil Pro headsets
    And a couple of different digital interfaces
    Toshiba laptop
    Extra Class and Commercial Radiotelegraph tickets

    DX Rules!

    A35A, 3D2RK, KK6H
    "If you come up to it, and you just can't do it, then that's jolly well where you are."
    Lord Buckley

  5. #5
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    You said a mouthful! My ham rad was in remission until a few weeks ago.
    I still need to pick up another power supply and a couple of 100 foot lengths of coax.
    Got the TH-F6A in today's mail, not a bad little ht. Would like to pick up a spare battery in the future.

    My call is KD5AFE, but have applied for a vanity call, AA5AC, won't know if I will get it for another month or so. (my initials are AC)
    Last edited by freebird; 05-17-2011 at 06:56 AM.

  6. #6
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    Yaesu FT-450
    Alpha-Delta DX-EE fan dipole, mounted in attic
    LDG Z-11 Pro tuner

    Yaesu FT-817
    JacKite 31' windsock pole, homebrew 20m / 40m dipole (loading coils for 40m)

    Yaesu VX-170 2m HT

    Icom IC-706 mkIIg (on boat)

    Charles / VA7CPC

  7. #7
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Talk about a bank busting hobby. Yea you can get started cheap but if you get serious watch out. I've never had a yen to get into it but I have a pretty good shortwave setup with a customized Icom R-71A. I just listen to you guys talk.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  8. #8
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    I just got my Extra ticket 3 months ago. I have yet to even touch an HF rig.

    Right now I have a Yeasu 8900, a Kenwood D700 with APRS, and an Icom 207H.

    I do Skywarn for the D/FW Metroplex. That's how I lost my Dodge truck. May 24 when all the tornadoes can through here, all the power was out and I was T Boned by an uninsured driver. Totaled my truck and broke my shoulder.

  9. #9
    Senior Member freebird's Avatar
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    Ouch, sorry to hear about the accident. I volunteered with Skywarn & Emergency Management as a spotter (Skywarn)& webmaster/radio communications (E.M.). I was with them for 5 or 6 years, until I stepped down due to health.

    I'm off the air, hf-wise, until I can get an antenna in the air. We had a lightning storm come through and must've taken my G5RV out. It also got the sensor on the satellite dish and one receiver. Fortunately I had all radio equipment unplugged from electric and disconnected from coax.

  10. #10
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    Yeasu FT-450, LDG Z-11 Pro autotuner, Alpha Delta fan dipole in the attic. A Yaesu FT-817 and VX-170 for VHF. Nothing fancy.

    I generally work RTTY and CW contests; the "big guns" can hear me a lot better than anyone else, even through QRM. You'll find my callsign toward the bottom of the contest lists.

    Charles VA7CPC

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