I have just started shaving with a straight so I am still learning the ins and outs of the skill. While browsing the forums and reading articles on straight shaving, I have noticed that there are a lot of members that share other similar interests with me. Before straight razors, I grew a collection of pipes. I am also a cigar smoker. Now, a lot of people smoke cigars but very few people are into tobacco pipes. I have noticed that a lot of you here collect pipes too. Im just wondering what it is that links these things together. I think for me, its the fact that many years ago every man used to shave with a straight razor and most men smoked pipes. These were things that men enjoyed in those days and they are a lost art now. I like the history behind these items and the fact that many of these razors and pipes and other things probably have a story behind them. I also love scotch whiskey, and this kinda fits in with everything else I mentioned.

By the way, I am 23 years old and often feel that I was born in the wrong century. haha. Many of my friends my age have no interest whatsoever in the things I collect. I just wanted to see if you all have noticed this too and what your thoughts are.