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Thread: Fly fishing anyone?

  1. #21
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roughkype View Post
    I've got a book on cane rod building. The tools are quite an investment.
    I just picked up a book on basic building of graphite rods so I might give that a go come spring for gits and shiggles to see if I enjoy it. If I do I can start searching for the stuff for cane.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Have been draggin flies on leadcore line with a 7w Temple fork Outfitter rod on my favorite lake, and that would be Lake Winnipesaukee in central NH. Fishing has been hot,6-7 colors down with an olive green wolly bugger,joe smelt,and some home made patterns called the Dominator. Lake trout,landlocked salmon,and rainbows,got a couple 4 pounders. The lakes managed for lake trout and salmon close the end of sept in NH. Bummer!!!!

  3. #23
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bharner View Post
    I just picked up a book on basic building of graphite rods so I might give that a go come spring for gits and shiggles to see if I enjoy it. If I do I can start searching for the stuff for cane.
    It's pretty easy but still rewarding. You can do nice little personal things, like winds at 14, 16, 18", and I like to weave a witness mark into my ferrule wraps for aligning the sections. The best thing is this: wind the guides on your tip section but don't glue your grip or wind any butt section windings until you mount the reel you'll use and thread the line out through the tip guides. Slide the grip on and position it so everything balances just right. Mark where the grip goes and, if necessary, add some extra cork rings between it and the reel seat to take up the space.

    On one of my storebought rods I added a 1/4 lb brass fighting butt to counterbalance the rest of the rod against the reel. It's easier to hold the balanced system, even though it's heavier, than to fight a tip-heavy setup.
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  4. #24
    pcg is offline
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    As a gnome, Jeff probably doesn't even shave! We've never talked straight razors. But he's a perfect candidate. He sculpts in bronze, is an author and is a master cane rod maker of world repute. I'll see if I can work on him about going str8!

  5. #25
    Recovering truckdriver poppy926's Avatar
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    I love fly fishing, fly tying, and rod building. I have build a few rods and dont get to the Hooch (Chattahoochee) nearly enough. In fact I havent been there at all this year. I did however get to the Amicilola once this year. I have been to a few lakes and ponds as well. And the last time I was in Florida I got to cast a few flies in the Indian River.
    When my grand-daughter was 3 I build her a 5' 4 wt (painted pink of course) and taught her to roll cast now she can double haul pretty good st 5yo.

  6. #26
    Senior Member deighaingeal's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by roughkype View Post
    I've got a book on cane rod building. The tools are quite an investment.

    I live in Grand Junction, CO, kinda over the mountain from Paonia. Is the guy there also a straight shaver? He doesn't have a pin in the Google map.

    I used to flyfish for trout, smallies, and warm pond species in Iowa but have hardly fished at all since moving to Colorado. What gives, eh? New job partly.

    I've got the spool for a homemade reel but haven't gotten around to machining a frame. There's an in utero Spey rod scattered around my workshop, too. So much neglect!
    My shop is in a similar state. I have two speys, one switch, a steelhead, a casting steelhead, a standard 5 wt and a small creek rod. I found after starting wood rods I no longer have interest in graphite.
    Unfortunately my razor stuffs have gotten into a similar state.

  7. #27
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    I fish in Rivers and local ponds. It is a great way to catch fish.

  8. #28
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    Alright its almost time to hit the streams again. I love trout fishing in the streams of WVA. I also tie my own flies.

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  10. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    The fab 5... If you tie these on...and don't catch any trout...just go back home,it's not your day!!Name:  d3662d6f9739f4028271192eaabd98dc_zpsb9e281cd.jpg
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  12. #30
    Senior Member jleeg's Avatar
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    Default Hendricksons on the Yellow Breeches. Who's fly Fishing?

    The season is well under way here in central PA. We've seen stoneflies, blue wings, hendricksons and now the grannoms are starting.

    April marks my 160th consecutive month catching trout on our wonderful and fabled streams, and man, am I tired of eating fish (joking....all released). If any of you distant members find your plans are taking you this way bring a rod and let me know.If in late July or August bring your heavier fly rod and we'll target smallmouth on the Susquehanna, right out my front door....sometimes closer.

    Any of you using tenkara? I'm becoming a convert for small stream fishing.

    Best, J

    PS. This is the front yard 4 weeks ago
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