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Thread: Help Identifying an Illinois Pocket Watch

  1. #1
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Default Help Identifying an Illinois Pocket Watch

    Hey guys. I am on the hunt for a nice antique pocket watch to carry. I found this IL watch in a local store.

    Can someone help me ident it so I can figure out if their asking price is too high or I'm too cheap!

    I think it's beautiful, but like most things, I don't want just beautiful, I want reliable. I didn't pop the case to get a serial number. I will hopefully go back this week and get the back off to look.
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  2. #2
    I shave with Occam's Razor hamilton946's Avatar
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    It's hard to tell from the photo, but it looks like a 12 or 14 size, probably a 17 Jewel Autocrat model. Those usually had brushed or textured metal dials. If you can get a serial number, it would help me, not only with value, but to pin down the exact model and approximate year of manufacture. What are they asking for it?
    Last edited by hamilton946; 10-23-2011 at 09:35 PM.

  3. #3
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Unless you got tiny fingers it's not 16 size so I'd guess 14 but yea a serial number is what you need and a pic of the mvmt even better. Usually the smaller size with metal dial are later than the enamel dialed ones. probably post 1940.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Iwas was thinking about 1920's... And if youwantait to bereliable it is better to get one that hasbeenrestored...or be be willing to buy a old one and have it restored. I carryan Elgin that is dead on time.

  5. #5
    I shave with Occam's Razor hamilton946's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    Iwas was thinking about 1920's...
    Same here; the case looks deco to me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wintchase View Post
    And if youwantait to bereliable it is better to get one that hasbeenrestored...or be be willing to buy a old one and have it restored. I carryan Elgin that is dead on time.
    Amen! I carry railroad watches that are adjusted to keep time to within :15 seconds or better a week.

  6. #6
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    I just measured my hand, and it looks to be about 1 1/8" or so. The shop is only open a few days a week, so I have to hit them just right to get in there. I didn't even think to get a serial while I had it in my hand.

    They are asking $165, but "we would take $155." It seems high to me, because I can almost guarantee that it hasn't been restored. I'm assuming that's fairly expensive.

    An American made watch may just have to wait a few years. I'm not buying a Chinese watch to fill the gap, I'd rather just wait.

  7. #7
    I shave with Occam's Razor hamilton946's Avatar
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    That's high for what is almost certainly a 17 jewel watch; even for an Illinois. But within that size, there are some sleepers out there that are worth a surprising amount. At 1 1/8 " according to my ligne gauge, it could be either a 13 or 14 size; Illinois made both.

    Like Spendur said, get a serial number and, if possible, a picture of the movement. It will help identify the particulars.

    As to restoration, it can be cheaper than you think. One good indicator as to the mechanical condition is having the watch in your hand; winding and setting it. If you can do that, you're most likely looking at a COA (Clean, Oil, & Adjust) which is not that much money.

    As to not buying a Chinese watch, good for you! You'll have more troubles down the road and they're pretty much impossible to get parts for.
    Last edited by hamilton946; 10-23-2011 at 11:02 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    About how much is a fair price? This did indeed wind fine and set fine as well.

    I don't know anything about watches, so finding a sleeper, as you said, is going to be difficult. Razors are easy to learn, if I misjudge I'm only out $10-30. My wife is not going to handle +$100 mistakes! Lol. Ideally, I'd like to spend $50-75 on a watch that I know works. Pipe dream?

  9. #9
    Senior Member medicevans's Avatar
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    Regarding no Chinese products, it's a personal thing. I don't berate anyone who does though. I try to buy American if at all possible, but sometimes economics prevent it. Ever seen the show where the people come and take everything out of your house that wasn't made in the US? Very interesting. Now back to your regularly scheduled programming......

  10. #10
    I shave with Occam's Razor hamilton946's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by medicevans View Post
    About how much is a fair price? This did indeed wind fine and set fine as well.
    If it's a 17 jewel Autocrat, no more than $75.00 tops unless the case is 14K which, from the looks of the picture, it's not.

    Quote Originally Posted by medicevans View Post
    Ideally, I'd like to spend $50-75 on a watch that I know works. Pipe dream?
    It can be done but you're still going to need to take it to a good watchmaker for a COA if you plan on keeping it.

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