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Thread: Any thoughts on a .22 LR?

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bharner View Post
    ............... 50 yards I'm a squirrel's worst nightmare. Check out lots of great info over there.
    Bring It, bharner

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  2. #22
    Member Oldradartech's Avatar
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    I have a pair of the 452's.

    Excellent rifle. Sorry, all you 10-22 guys, but a stock 10-22 can't touch it, and even a modded one is gonna have a hard time.

  3. #23
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldradartech View Post
    I have a pair of the 452's.

    Excellent rifle. Sorry, all you 10-22 guys, but a stock 10-22 can't touch it, and even a modded one is gonna have a hard time.
    A bolt is almost always more accurate, especially out of the box. I just enjoy tinkering which probablyexplains my affinity (sp?) For the 10/22 .
    The 10/22 is like an adjustable DE razor. May not be the best thing out there but with practice it will kick butt. A bolt ( mine is a mid 20's wnchester) is like a straight. Not always the fastest but definitely the smoothest.
    as far as pistols go, an mk ( 1, 2, or 3) is a fine piece of workmanship. Just keep a rubber mallet handy for taking the bolt assembly out.

  4. #24
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Thanks for the input guys. Given what I want to do, it sounds like my initial research stands up, and I picked up a 452 Special today.

  5. #25
    AKA "Padlock" LinacMan's Avatar
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    Congrats on the purchase of your rifle. I know you'll enjoy it.

    Before I check this thread tonight, I took a picture of my Ruger Mark III. I decided to post it anyway - you know how proud parents are about "baby" pictures
    Name:  DSC_0411.jpg
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Size:  42.4 KB

  6. #26
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I am planning on a MkIII, once the license comes through. I was looking at the 5.5 bull, though the hunter is definitely on the wish list. We'll see what the cash flow is like then.

  7. #27
    Ooo Shiny cannonfodder's Avatar
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    I have several 22LR's. I have a 10-22 target with the heavy hammer twist barrel and laminate stock. It comes with a target action. At 50 yards with off the shelf target ammo it will punch a hundred rounds in a 30 caliber hole. Got my son a Henry lever 22 a couple years ago as his first gun. Shoots good and the action cycles smooth on those henry's. I though about getting a goldenboy in 44 for myself but I already have a Marlin 44 rifle.

  8. #28
    learning something new every day Deerhunter1995's Avatar
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    ruger 10/22 has done its fair share of hitting its mark over the years, i have a marlin 22mag (a beefed up 22) and it will hit accuratly at 75 yrds all day long. ive killed my fair share of squriell and groundhogs with a 22
    Last edited by Deerhunter1995; 11-07-2011 at 01:58 PM.

  9. #29
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lynn View Post
    I like both my 10-22 and my Buckmark. They are great plunkin' fun.
    Ditto, 10/22 target with trigger work & Browning Buckmark slabside.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

  10. #30
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    i have a little rossi single shot in .17HMR that is one of the most giggle inducing weapons i have ever had the pleasure of shooting......... with the single shot you must pick and choose your shots well....

    the .17HMR is a WICKED round........ it shoots a 17grain bullet really really fast.... you should see what it does to a gallon jug of water.... spectacular...

    the funniest thing is i am a pretty good sized guy and this rifle is miniscule... it has a 3x9 scope mounted that is half the size of the rifle... i have a old photo somewhere...

    its a rossi... .17hmr caliber..... single shot break open style... i found it in a pawn shop and got it for $99+tax and background fee total of 111$ out the door..... i then promptly headed for bassproshops here local and bought a set of mounts and a 3x9x40 bsa scope and base..... and a cleaning kit... and a scope and mount and base for my 10/22... then i went home and put it together and ran back to the shooting range..... and here is a 3 shot group @ 75' *(thats the longest indoor range here.. there is a 100yd range local and when i go there i will post up pics....)

    now here is the funny part... here it is next to my ruger 10/22 and you get a idea of the size of this it is tiny!!

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