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Thread: How many people CCW here?
01-18-2012, 05:10 PM #31
01-18-2012, 05:45 PM #32
you guys are lucky, im only 16 and cant carry ccw. i understadn most 16 yr olds arnt mature enough to have a gun on them but i dare have my hunting rifle in the truck and in pa i can hunt myself with a 30-06 on my sholder or a 12 ga in my hands. i hate when i walk into town for stuff or go to the local fishign hole and have to walk home at dusk by myself and cant carry leagly. i always have my boot knife but thats not really effective. there has only been 2 shootings, 1 mugging and a robbery in the area in the past 5 yrs that im aware of so its not a crime ridden arrea and id love to be able to have somethign on me. i have found a loop hole in the fall and winter. i trap so i thro a few traps out along the way to towna dn then i can take my 22 rifle with me when i go that way because im (checkign traps). I understand why they dont want people my age carrign revolvers but i think it ruins it for people like me that wouldent even think about using it for somethign stupid.
01-18-2012, 07:15 PM #33
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Thanked: 79I'm sure you're a good kid, so just speaking for myself - it's a good thing I couldn't (and didn't) carry when I was younger! Where I grew up, hardly anyone was allowed to carry anyway, and I was a bit of an a**hle, back then, hot temper, lots of fights. Matter of fact, I didn't go armed at all until I was in my 20's, a little calmer, and working as a bouncer sometimes, then started carrying Mace, baton, with a knife as absolutely last ditch.
A knife is devastatingly effective as a defensive and offensive weapon - in fact, more dangerous at bad-breath range than a gun (at close range, 0-5 ft., firearms injuries have a 65% mortality rate - knife injuries at that range prove fatal about 85% of the time.). In the boot, probably not so easy to get to, maybe think about something you can legally carry in your pocket, and most importantly, get some training in with it. Also make sure that you're completely clear on what is actually legal self-defense in your jurisdiction, and when you can use deadly force. On the issue of deadly force in general, I warmly recommend Lt. Col. Dave Grossman's tape series "The Bulletproof Mind", and his book "On Killing". which contain good and important points about the physiology and psychology involved in deadly force encounters.
Another extremely effective defense is always the famous fleetfoot technique - don't walk, RUN away from trouble - I'm not ashamed to admit using that dirty trick quite a few times in my past...
Best regards, -oLast edited by HamburgO; 01-18-2012 at 07:22 PM.
01-18-2012, 07:30 PM #34
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Thanked: 79
01-18-2012, 08:05 PM #35
apperciate it hamburg, i always have a pocket knif eon me but its one on that is very practical unless the mugger stands there and waits for me to get it out, the boot knif is my grandfathers old on he got somewhere yrs ago. I can pull that pretty fast (its saved my butt before on a groundhog that came at me in the barn one day turns out he had rabies) I just like to be able to have a small firarm when im gonna be alone passing thru almost deserted areas where it would be a long run to get to safty or even back to the truck.
01-18-2012, 09:07 PM #36
Yup, what self-respecting Bama boy wouldn't be?
S&W .357 or Ruger P89 9 mm stainless, depending on my mood.
01-18-2012, 09:08 PM #37
01-18-2012, 09:17 PM #38
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Thanked: 94Had my CCW in PA carried my .45 glock 36 daily
now in az I openly carry my .45 when taking walks or hiking. With my job, I cant even have it in my car or I would be subject to disciplinary actionfacists...
01-18-2012, 09:27 PM #39
01-18-2012, 09:52 PM #40
i have had mine in ohio since they passed the ccw law.before only the cops and criminals could carry but now law abiding citizens can.