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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #381
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    My new Bianchi holster just got delivered to my parents house (I am in the middle of the secound of 3 moves in about a month) and will pick up and post pictures this weekend!!!

  2. #382
    Member dArtagnan's Avatar
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    +2 as the wife and I both have ccw permits

  3. #383
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tsunami View Post
    I teach basic pistol safety classes for the NRA and I used to carry a .45 cocked and locked but now as I get older I much prefer my Ruger SP 101. .357. Small and packs a wallop. Besides you use a firearm here in CT for anything over 10 feet for defense your going to jail
    How do you like the SP101? I've been having a hard time justifying the expense of a decent 1911 lately, and have been thinking of a .357 snubish revolver would do the job. I can much easier justify a $4-500 revolver than a $7-900 1911. Which barrel length do you carry? Anyone else have thought on the SP101?

  4. #384
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    As promised here are the picture of my Bianchi Suppression holster with my old butt ugly, but reliable, Norinco 1911

    Name:  1911 holster.jpg
Views: 3668
Size:  47.0 KB
    The crease you see in the shirt is actually from me turning and trying to take a picture.
    Name:  1911 holster 2.jpg
Views: 1148
Size:  23.9 KB
    I love that 1911 but dont feel comfortable carrying it. It's not a fan of hollow points and when drawn quickly has a tendency to either snag or give wicked hammer bite. For just shooting around or a trail gun I wouldnt trade it for the world.
    Last edited by Devilpup; 06-08-2012 at 08:10 PM.

  5. #385
    Senior Member Noisykids's Avatar
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    bought a smith and wesson model 640 yesterday for 400 bucks. did all the paperwork and the guy went to make the background check call and came back and said there was a hold. i have a very very common name, he said it happens to one in ten sales. i don't have anything in my background that i have to worry about, i guess this is just massachusetts being massachusetts. i don't have fingerprints on file because the cop in my town couldn't get any. i have a pin no. instead. i hope this all works out.

  6. #386
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    It will, I used to get "delayed" regularly until I contacted atf and threw a fit. At the time I still had a pretty high security clearance. I got very detailed on a few things & flagging all "Joe Schmuckatelly's" was pure B.S. I was never delayed again.

  7. #387
    Senior Member Noisykids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    It will, I used to get "delayed" regularly until I contacted atf and threw a fit. At the time I still had a pretty high security clearance. I got very detailed on a few things & flagging all "Joe Schmuckatelly's" was pure B.S. I was never delayed again.
    i called today, even though they told me to just show up saturday if i didn't hear from them, explained why i was calling and the guy said wait, i'll call the fbi and call you back. i had three hours to kill before i picked my daughter up and i was hoping he'd call right away as the shop is 20-odd miles from where i was. then i began thinking...wait,. the effa bee eye? Really, not the the ma dept of public safety, the staties?
    they called back when it was too late to get there today said, come and get it. if i get out of work on time tomorrow i can go up. they close at 4, i nominally get out at 2:30, but the guy said they were really busy on saturdays. busy? people were like seagulls at the dump there the other day.
    now i just have to get this by the war dept, but i just gave her a check for 20k as some life insurance money rolled in.
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  8. #388
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    My Wife's CCW:
    S&W Bodyguard 38, or
    Glock 19

    S&W 686-6+; or
    Kimber Stainless Pro Raptor II

  9. #389
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    Now that I see how many nuts......uhmmm.....I meant people actually carry guns under their clothes, I think I need to start carrying a gun again.......ughhhhhh.

  10. #390
    Senior Member Noisykids's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noisykids View Post
    i called today, even though they told me to just show up saturday if i didn't hear from them, explained why i was calling and the guy said wait, i'll call the fbi and call you back. i had three hours to kill before i picked my daughter up and i was hoping he'd call right away as the shop is 20-odd miles from where i was. then i began thinking...wait,. the effa bee eye? Really, not the the ma dept of public safety, the staties?
    they called back when it was too late to get there today said, come and get it. if i get out of work on time tomorrow i can go up. they close at 4, i nominally get out at 2:30, but the guy said they were really busy on saturdays. busy? people were like seagulls at the dump there the other day.
    now i just have to get this by the war dept, but i just gave her a check for 20k as some life insurance money rolled in.
    i picked it up. bought a little safe to put it in. brought it in the house and fessed up. all she said was, can i shoot it? then she said, it's a lot lighter than the gun you bought me, but i think you bought that for yourself anyway. (20 odd yrs ago i belonged to a club, had me a s&w model 41 with an aimpoint and custom Herret grips. bought her a hi-standard citation to keep me company on the range. why oh why did i sell them?)

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