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Thread: How many people CCW here?

  1. #341
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    No ya didn' pictures, it didn't happen. Show us man!
    I had to order it because all they had was the display at the NRA show. I will post pictures ASAP
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  2. #342
    Complete Noob Rigger's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Str8Shooter View Post
    So, How many people carry(legally, CCW/CHL) and what is your primary carry weapon?
    Maybe I do carry... Maybe I don't...

    (seriously, yes. Ruger SP101 with a 2" barrel & bobbed hammer, in the ever-popular .357 flavor. Second-fav carry gun is an older Kimber Gov't 1911, which is also my competition .45 for shooting in 2700 matches . Yes, I am a large man.)

  3. #343
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    I carry a Bersa .380 most days, but I will carry a Glock 26 .40 cal when I expect trouble.

  4. #344
    . Otto's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hriley View Post
    .. when I expect trouble....
    If I was expecting trouble I just wouldn't show up
    - or I if I had to show up (i.e. duty) a handgun wouldn't be my primary weapon.

  5. #345
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    Usually a vest and my hand gun is all I ever need. When I expect trouble, I am talking about collecting rent in high crime areas and such. For real trouble I call the police if I can and go to ground if possible. If this country is invaded I think I may need assault weapons and submachine guns...

  6. #346
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    Quote Originally Posted by shooter74743 View Post
    That just gives you another reason for another pistol. All kidding aside, the 1911 is like the AR-15, there are a gazillion parts to customize it to exactly what you want. There's a reason it's still around and going strong after 100 works & works well.
    Yeah I have my grandfather's 1943 Remington Rand 1911a1 that I'm trying to restore but I'm running into difficulties, But that's what you get with a restoration. And I agree that a 1911 is like the AR-15, easy to overdo. What I look for in a pistol is reliability and accuracy first, followed by size. I'm looking to get something a little easier to conceal without it being smaller than a 9mm or .38 special. If I can find something that I like I'd carry it all the time and my XD for when I can carry heavy.

  7. #347
    Senior Member AndrewK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HamburgO View Post
    Point taken. Luckily, most of my friends also carry, and we're pretty clandestine when moving in public. Besides, everything I do is legal, and my physical security is AA+. When in the US, I live in an extremely gun-enthusiastic location in AZ, and discussing various weaponry is a normal thing around here. Here's a true story for you:

    I'm a certified firearms trainer and occasionally give private lessons. One day last year, coming from the outdoor range with a client, we stop at a Starbuck's. Having our coffee, we chew the fat about this and that. At some point he asks me "What's the advantage of a red-dot sight on a rifle vs. a glass scope...?"

    At the table next to us, a bespectacled stout old lady, grandma, is busy unraveling her wool. When she hears the question, her head pops right up from her knitting, she looks up at my friend and blurts out: "Because in close-quarters, young man, you're gonna get that red-dot on target much faster than the glass...!!!"

    I just about spotted my pants...
    I thought this was awesome:
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  8. #348
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    Bruno, I think you are missing the larger point,-there's no such thing as an offencive weapon,unless its used in that manner. If I stab you the knife (or whatever I have used is being used in an offencive manner. That would be true whether it was a bat or a screwdriver,its how you use an object that makes it offencive or defencive,its the same crap they try to use here about so called "Assault Rifles" because there black and have those scary bayonet lugs,....If I attacked you with a hammer that was black would that make it an Assault Hammer? No the way it was used is what dictates what it is,
    That was exactly my point.
    I can carry a knife if the reason for carrying is something else than 'using it as a weapon'.
    No cop would mind my swiss army knife, because everyone knows they are just general purpose tools.
    Ditto for a leatherman etc. Otoh, my spyderco looks 'aggressive' and there is a good chance that cops would mind, even though the blade is really not bigger than the blade in my SAK.

    Quote Originally Posted by Grizzley1 View Post
    Two last points, there are no accidents, just bad judgment,and poor handling skills,and unfortunately some use there gun as a set of balls that they weren't born with
    That is semantics. Accidents are unintended events. A cop accidentally shooting a prostrate person in the back is an accident. A kid finding his fathers gun and killing his brother is an accident. shooting yourself in the foot is an accident. Sure, they are still the result of human error, but accidents nonetheless. You could do everything right, and still there could be the chance of something going wrong. Bullets can fire even without the trigger being pulled.

    If you don't believe the last one, head over to the darwin awards website to find the confirmed report of a father 'proving' to his son that the safety made his gun perfectly safe. He slammed the stock on the floor, causing the bullet to fire due to the shock, shooting himself through the head. Granted, you could still argue that those were stupid things (and I agree) but even then, the gun could have fallen just wrong with the same results. Accidents do happen. Just because you can find a cause doesn't mean they are not accidents. Otherwise, nothing is an accident because everything has a root cause.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  9. #349
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    Sure, they are still the result of human error, but accidents nonetheless. You could do everything right, and still there could be the chance of something going wrong. Bullets can fire even without the trigger being pulled.

    If you don't believe the last one, head over to the darwin awards website to find the confirmed report of a father 'proving' to his son that the safety made his gun perfectly safe. He slammed the stock on the floor, causing the bullet to fire due to the shock, shooting himself through the head. Granted, you could still argue that those were stupid things (and I agree) but even then, the gun could have fallen just wrong with the same results. Accidents do happen. Just because you can find a cause doesn't mean they are not accidents. Otherwise, nothing is an accident because everything has a root cause.

    Just getting technical here, not judging

    That is called a slam fire and can occur either by the spring in the bolt of the rifle being released, or if the Firing Pin has the ability to be in contact with the primer, this is a known condition, and a known safety issue... (Colt SAA owners always carried 5 not 6 and rested on an empty chamber for this reason, early M-16's were prone to slam fires too)

    Therefore it can be said that it was still not an accident, but unsafe gunhandling... and yes that was Semantics, I tend to look at how many Gun Rules somebody broke for the "accident to occur"

    Gunhandling 101 He broke a few rules

    There is NO such thing as a safety...

    Never point a weapon at something you do not intend to kill (The PC crowd has changed this from Kill to Destroy)

    Never handle a weapon carelessly or with disregard to proper safety

    Never chamber a weapon, or leave a weapon chambered, without cause (this rule is open to interpetation for Police and Military)

    And I am out again, as I try and stay away from gun discussions
    Last edited by gssixgun; 04-17-2012 at 03:33 PM.

  10. #350
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dorado View Post
    I'm looking to get something a little easier to conceal without it being smaller than a 9mm or .38 special. If I can find something that I like I'd carry it all the time and my XD for when I can carry heavy.
    I've got a German made Makarov in 9x18 that's a nice little carry weapon. It's single stack, all steel, reliable, and fits my small mid-caliber criteria for carry. I would recommend one to anyone, but have heard that the German and Russian ones are the only ones you would want as some of the other countries who made them used poor craftsmanship.

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