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Thread: Target Shooting

  1. #1
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Default Target Shooting

    Every now and then a thread on hunting pops up, but what about us paper punchers? Post your rigs, and post your targets.

    I'm shooting a CZ 452 Trainer (Lux in a Beech stock) with a Mueller 8.5x25x44AO scope. It's my first scoped rifle, so I started out at the low end and have worked up to 14x.

    The other day I finally decided I wanted to lighten the trigger up, so here's a photo of her out of the stock. Sorry it's upside down... no idea how that happened.

    Name:  trigger.jpg
Views: 1510
Size:  48.8 KB

    I went and shot the next day and it was TERRIBLE. My shooting, that is. I'm very happy with the trigger. So I went through a lot of dry firing after that, and I shot a pretty nice set today.

    Name:  Eccentric 2-25.jpg
Views: 3523
Size:  40.6 KB

    Offhand at 50 feet, 10 shots per bull. The black is 1 3/8 inches in diameter. I knew each of the bad shots were off as soon as I pulled the trigger on them, but even with them groups are about 2 inches. Without them, more like 1 inch.
    Last edited by holli4pirating; 02-26-2012 at 12:13 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Looks like your standing to much to the side. Try to square your body more, that will allow you to absorb the impact. That iss called "good follow through". Next, get a bemch to shoot from. Off hand is not the best way to zero a weapon in.
    nun2sharp and Grizzley1 like this.

  3. #3
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Out of curiosity, what makes you say I'm standing too much to the side?

    I sighted her in off the bench, but I shoot almost exclusively offhand. Off the bench is boring at 50 feet for me.

  4. #4
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    I'm on the battalion shooting team. I shoot rifle, but not pistol. Competitions wont let you shoot with your off had supporting and it throws me to do so. Probably stemming from my dad's teachings and him shooting IPSC. We use Remington model 40 target grade with iron sights. As a team rifle took second at the University of Wisconsin and pistol took fourth. We also got first and fourth in rifle (I missed 3rd by 1 point), and second and third for pistol. We'll be at University of Colorado shortly.
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

  5. #5
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    I'm also shooting unsupported. I had not shot much offhand prior to this rifle purchase, so I made the decision based on the rules for Sporter Rifle, which is quite popular at the club I joined.

    Which caliber are you shooting, Devil, and what are the guidelines for your competitions (range, positions, targets, etc)?

  6. #6
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    Get into position. Set your sight picture. Close your eyes and relax a bit and open your eyes and look at where you muzzle is pointed. IF to the left or right of center your body is not squared to the target. This will cause you to reach for the bull. IF your body is properly squared to the target (and your other position requirements are correct like having your forearm vertical under the forend etc) Your rifle should not have a lot of side to side movement. You should be able to see more up and down from your breathing and heartbeat than side to side. I hope this makes sense.

    IF your body is not naturally square to the target in any of the four positions it will cause you to reach horizontally for the bull to get a proper sight picture. That will cause flyers.

  7. The Following User Says Thank You to RayCover For This Useful Post:

    joesixpack (03-09-2012)

  8. #7
    the suited and booted hick Devilpup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    I'm also shooting unsupported. I had not shot much offhand prior to this rifle purchase, so I made the decision based on the rules for Sporter Rifle, which is quite popular at the club I joined.

    Which caliber are you shooting, Devil, and what are the guidelines for your competitions (range, positions, targets, etc)?
    We use .22, unfortunately, I'd prefer big bore but that's not an option. Our matches are either 20 or 25 yard, an a total of 3 positions. At standing kneeling and prone you put one round in 10 targets. There are 12 targets per sheet (3x4) the center 2 are for sighting in. We can use a small sandbag, strap, and shooting jacket. The rifles and have a lot of variation as long as they're single shot, bolt action, and iron sights. Heck we use remingtons from the 90's and others use brand new Anschutz target rifles.
    No that pistol isn't the only thing under my kilt, but I can tell you both of them work just fine

  9. #8
    Member AFDavis11's Avatar
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    very cool, thanx for the pic.

  10. #9
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    Out of curiosity, what makes you say I'm standing too much to the side?

    I sighted her in off the bench, but I shoot almost exclusively offhand. Off the bench is boring at 50 feet for me.
    Well, it looks to me that you shoot right handed? I could be wrong? If you are then it seems that you have your right shoulder further behind your left (mores so than what is needed). If i was your spotter I would have you pulll yoour left foot forward by a good five inches (almost square shouldered, and then work your way back to a more stable platform). Then I would tell you to raise your hand up and shoot with you second knuckle rather than your finger tip. That is another way to "pull" rounds... Dropping the hand.. As devipup can attest too, body position is "everything".... You asked why I thought you are doing that? I am not an expert, but I have one week out of every month at long range shooting ranges for about 15 years... I have trained hundres of long range shooters.. But I certainly wouldn't say I am an authority, I just had a lot of time doing it.. There are much better folks than me out there.
    Also, I wouldn't shoot at fifty feet try to push it outto at least 100 yards.

  11. #10
    Senior Member Wintchase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devilpup View Post
    I'm on the battalion shooting team. I shoot rifle, but not pistol. Competitions wont let you shoot with your off had supporting and it throws me to do so. Probably stemming from my dad's teachings and him shooting IPSC. We use Remington model 40 target grade with iron sights. As a team rifle took second at the University of Wisconsin and pistol took fourth. We also got first and fourth in rifle (I missed 3rd by 1 point), and second and third for pistol. We'll be at University of Colorado shortly.
    Are you in the Marines now? Or ROTC?

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