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Thread: Any clay shooters?

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Wullie, your a texas Gourmand,I can cook up anything I shoot,even mudhens (coots) and rockchucks.
    But I have never been able to get Clay pigeons to be palitable,you have any culinary tips?

  2. #22
    MWS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    I figured that you can't go wrong with an 870 for beginners, under $300.00 at Wal Mart. Also we have another 870 for home protection, for him it kills 2 birds with one stone. If he progresses and wants to continue, I'll take the 870 for myself & step him up into something more specifically designed for clays.
    LOL! We can't buy firearms at Walmart nor for home defence! I hear the 870 is one for the stable at an affordable price...

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    We are lucky here, our Wal Mart pretty much sells it all. The 870 is a work horse.

  4. #24
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    dont need magnum 12 gauge for shooting clays. i have an old 12 gauge side by side handmade in germany that i use for clay shooting and hunting, cant use it for self defence in norway so dont know what you should be using for that cause here we cant defend us with weapons cause we would end up in jail then, cause not legal to shoot anyone here even in self defence. But if you want it for hunting, clays and self defence i think 870 will be up for the job

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    What do you hunt in Norway?

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by MWS View Post
    I've had a growing interest in trap/skeet shooting over the past few months and have been squireling away my shaving soap I've finally got to bite the bullet and purchase a firearm (I have enough soaps for 20 years, so figure I can slow down).

    I was curious to hear if any of you folks prefer trap, skeet (or both) and what shotgun you's suggest - assuming it'll the same? Something with a tight choke?

    The top two on my list are the Winchester 101 12g, or a Beretta Silver Pigeon (used, on account of the $$$).

    Any suggestions or advice is appreciated!

    I was silly into trap a few years ago. I stopped because some surgeries I had prevented me from doing anything that felt recoil. Now I think I am safe to shoot again. I use an LC Smith sxs field gun full and modified, and or a Charles Daily o/u full and modified. I have loads more but those do well for me at trap. I always wanted to buy a BT99 or 101 or something dedicated to trap use but my father always said it didn't matter what gun you use. It matters that you can hit your target. If you are a poor shot, get better, don't get more. He told me his father was an outstanding shot because if you didn't hit what you were aiming at you probably had no dinner in pre 1900 Italy.

    Skeet is more like situations you encounter while hunting which I never do. Im a target shooter personally. I did a couple rounds of skeet once... Did OK for a beginner, here an open choke,skeet whatever will be best for you.
    Just not a big fan of skeet. At least at trap the targets go in random directions. In skeet, watch the oldtimers, they perform the course like clock work. They could honestly do it blindfolded. Its the same movements each shot.

    Hey I wish I had time for all the hobbies, good thing Im not prone to picking up new ones... wait, Damn.
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  7. #27
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    black grouse, grouse, capercaillie and hare for the most, but you can hunt bigger and more stuff if you want like moose, deer, fallow deer but they use rifles for that. and there are some other small game but for the most part its those i hunt out of the small game since i dont have a rifle of my own. but my stephdad hunts the big game if we need it. Cause he use the meat alot as chef. Cause where he lives and where we have our cabin there is all of the animals i wrote. But its expensive to hunt big game in norway.

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    What do you hunt in Norway?
    Norwegian ducks, Norwegian quail, Norwegian deer, Norwegian moose, Norwegian pigs, Norwegian rabbits, etc...... Name:  smiley-laughing021-1.gif
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  9. #29
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Wullie, your a texas Gourmand,I can cook up anything I shoot,even mudhens (coots) and rockchucks.
    But I have never been able to get Clay pigeons to be palitable,you have any culinary tips?
    Marinate them in LOTS of whiskey. Throw the dead clays away and drink the whiskey.
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  10. #30
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    We are lucky here, our Wal Mart pretty much sells it all. The 870 is a work horse.
    Back in the 60's there were trap grade 870's and 1100's with monte carlo stocks and AAA wood. Raised ribs etc. Pretty sure they were Remington custom shop rigs, but they would damn sure go the distance.

    Pump Action Shotgun - Model 870 Wingmaster Classic Trap - Remington Shotguns

    I've seen guys go out with those rigs and stomp the guys shooting Perazzi's and Brownings.

    The old hard case I used to work for's name is Jack Johnson. He was a world class trap shooter in the 60's and 70's. He owned Alpine Range in Ft Worth. He's since sold it to a young man that was one of his trap boys back in the 80's.

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