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Thread: Any clay shooters?

  1. #31
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    My son's 870 for Trap, before I put the pad on.

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  2. #32
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    I have a beaut little 12 bore percussion W&C Scott double, have bust a lot of clays and rabbits and duck with it over the years, Also an old Hollis britch loader double, only use black in her and have bust a lot of clays with it to. Use to cause a bit of a stirr with the clay boys as they did not know what powder I was using. Some one mentioned Kangaroo poo !! The little percussion gun has lovely balance and mounts sweet as. Have to use no 4 shot to get the carry, 1 1/4 oz with 2 3/4 drs of ffg.
    EMC45 and Wullie like this.

  3. #33
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    All this gun talk is making me wanna go out and get a li'l 10/22 for the Mrs.

  4. #34
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    Default No pigs thou

    no pigs thou just norwegians wished there were pigs thou but not the damage the pigs do
    Last edited by CanCerManNor; 07-22-2012 at 09:27 PM.

  5. #35
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    All this gun talk is making me wanna go out and get a li'l 10/22 for the Mrs.
    Store closed.. We'll go out and pick one up soon though.. I may have a bit of fun plinking with it but eventually it's getting a pink stock with Hello Kitty stickers

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    Back in the 60's there were trap grade 870's and 1100's with monte carlo stocks and AAA wood. Raised ribs etc. Pretty sure they were Remington custom shop rigs, but they would damn sure go the distance.

    Pump Action Shotgun - Model 870 Wingmaster Classic Trap - Remington Shotguns

    I've seen guys go out with those rigs and stomp the guys shooting Perazzi's and Brownings.

    The old hard case I used to work for's name is Jack Johnson. He was a world class trap shooter in the 60's and 70's. He owned Alpine Range in Ft Worth. He's since sold it to a young man that was one of his trap boys back in the 80's.
    I never understood why one needed an auto/repeater to fire a single shot.

  7. #37
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by linearone View Post
    I never understood why one needed an auto/repeater to fire a single shot.
    There is a "doubles" version of trap. Two clays are thrown at the same time and have about a 45° divergent flight path. I used a Browning Double Automatic in that game. Other guys used O/U's and some used 870's and 1100's.. Whatever worked best for the shooter was the name of the game.

    I do not recall any of the "big name" trap shooters using any side by sides in trap. There may have been some out there, but I can't recall any when I messed with it in the late 60's and 70's.

    IN the "sporting clays" game, you can shoot two shots at each clay if you desire or if you miss the first shot, you can still score a hit with the second shot.

    Skeet has 4 stations where doubles are thrown. You don't have enough time to reload a single shot and hit both targets.

    However, for regular trap and handicap trap, a single shot will work nicely.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wullie View Post
    There is a "doubles" version of trap. Two clays are thrown at the same time and have about a 45° divergent flight path. I used a Browning Double Automatic in that game. Other guys used O/U's and some used 870's and 1100's.. Whatever worked best for the shooter was the name of the game.

    I do not recall any of the "big name" trap shooters using any side by sides in trap. There may have been some out there, but I can't recall any when I messed with it in the late 60's and 70's.

    IN the "sporting clays" game, you can shoot two shots at each clay if you desire or if you miss the first shot, you can still score a hit with the second shot.

    Skeet has 4 stations where doubles are thrown. You don't have enough time to reload a single shot and hit both targets.

    However, for regular trap and handicap trap, a single shot will work nicely.
    Wow, first time I ever heard of trap with doubles! Sounds like fun! O/U's are still fairly new to the shooting world as far as shotguns go. LC Smith had a trap model that was a SxS. They say the sighting is easier with an O/U. I dunno. I do just as good with either. Then again I also prefer a much longer LOP then is recommended by the formulas so go figure.
    I always wanted to try sporting clays, just never got to it.
    In Skeet I understand the need for two shots.
    In either one I just don't like the shells ejecting and the cycling noise. In trap especially I have the shells hitting the guy next to you. Unless these eject down, I am not sure. The places I have been would not let you drop shells and leave them you had to clean up after yourself. Being a reloader I always stick the empties in my pouch. Like you said its all about personal preference, just like razors!

  9. #39
    Senior Member Crotalus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by CanCerManNor View Post
    dont need magnum 12 gauge for shooting clays. i have an old 12 gauge side by side handmade in germany that i use for clay shooting and hunting, cant use it for self defence in norway so dont know what you should be using for that cause here we cant defend us with weapons cause we would end up in jail then, cause not legal to shoot anyone here even in self defence. But if you want it for hunting, clays and self defence i think 870 will be up for the job
    I wanted at least one gun that would shoot 3 1/2" so I went and bought myself a Beretta A400 last month. You can mix shell lengths and it comes with 3 chokes. I took it to the skeet range a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately all the skeet stations were full so I had to settle for trap. The gun shoots sweet and it comes with shims so I could tailor it for a lefty. The heat of the day almost did me in though. I won't go again until the fall.

  10. #40
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FiReSTaRT View Post
    All this gun talk is making me wanna go out and get a li'l 10/22 for the Mrs.
    Ok guys.. Here's my brand new 10/22

    Yeah yeah, I couldn't resist

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