Since it is the weekend and all, I thought I would share a little story from a few years back.

This happened about 20 years ago, and I was still in a relationship with my high school sweetheart.
Now, one weekend we were attending a party in her parents neighborhood and decided to sleep at their house instead of driving home to the other side of town.
We had spent many nights there, especially when her parents were away on holidays and stuff.

So, the party went well, we had a great time. In the small hours we made our way over to her parents house.
This time around we stayed in my fiance's old room, it was kept ready for her back then.
Like I mentioned, the party was great fun, and there had been consumed alcoholic beverages, so no wonder I had to go to the toilet about 5 minutes after falling asleep.

No worries, that business was taken care of, and it is around this time the story takes a turn for the worse..
As mentioned earlier, we had stayed there numerous times before to "baby-sit" the house while her parents where away on holidays. They had this huge bedroom with a wonderful big bed in it, so we usually stayed in their room while over there...

As I had drunk perhaps one or two drinks more than I probably should have, I made the horrible mistake of going back to the wrong bed-room after my little nightly toilet visit.

The rest of the story will be based on the witnesses at hand, my memories of these following acts are faint. Sometimes that can be a good thing..

Ok, so I went into my in-laws to be's budoir, and apparently found a comfy place between them. 3 in one bed seems to take a toll on the available bed-spread, and in the struggle it seems Thor was the loosing part.
This naturally upset him quite a bit, and he pondered waking me up to throw me out of there, but as he told me the following morning: waking a drunk fella almost twice my size could very well prove to be a bit un-pleasant..
He therefore decided that as long as I had seemingly fallen asleep, he would do the sensible thing and go hit the couch for the night.

Oh, if it had only ended there
But no, I am afraid the embarrassment continues a wee bit longer.
After finding my place in the bed, it seems I felt like a bit of a cuddle..
As my wonderfully understanding mother in law told me later, she had at first thought that the guy creeping up behind her was her husband, but the smell of my breath soon made her realize something else was afoot.
Being the gracious woman she is, she accepted the "compliment" but decided that it would be wise for her to go find the other sofa to rest on for the remains of the night.

My first memory of this whole episode was when I was waken by my fiancé.For some reason she was looking extremely cheerful and kept laughing at me.
This was not like her at all, and I asked her why she was in such a chipper mood this morning.
She just asked me where I was.
Well, I was a bit tipsy the night before but nothing near drunk enough to not remember the fact that we stayed at her childhood home for the night, and I told her so!
Yes, B, she said, but in what room?
Then it slowly sunk in that this was a bit wrong and my anxiety must have been quite apparent to her, so she kindly told me what her parents had told her when she got up an hour earlier.

Walking up to the kitchen for breakfast that morning was not my finest hour. I dreaded meeting them more than I think I could even imagine in my worst nightmares.

They both greeted me with big grins on their faces, and managed to convey the story to me between all the laughter and crying and I had never been more fond of them than during that breakfast

And the final twist:
After breakfast I kinda felt the need to get some fresh air by myself, it had been quite the start of the day after all, so I strawled out on their deck for a second.
While there I thought there was something wrong with the view out there...
And wouldn't you know it, my brand new company car with tons of un-assured tools in the back was missing...
Turns out, one of my classmates from back when I was a kid, now a drug addict, had stolen it and sold off all the tools in it.
I found that out 2 years later.

So there you have it, a weekend that will be with me till the day I leave this life

Anyone else had moments like this that will be with you for a while?
Do share