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Thread: Multi-tools

  1. #21
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    Unfortunately the Schrade brand is now owned by one of the big "brand management" companies, and so has seen a huge drop in quality over the past decade. Gerbers have also been built to budget for most of their production. There are a few good ones, but if you want quality you have to pay for it, although that's no guarantee. I have a very old leatherman pulse that held up very well for many years, I replaced it with a SOG powerlock which lasted not quite two years (I really liked a lot of the features, but the fit and finish were horrible, the scissors sucked, and in the end the plier head got somewhat sloppy, not critically so, but enough to replace) I've since been using a Vic Swisstool, and while I really love the fit and finish, the feel, the tools, it is HEAVY, about as heavy as the SOG and much heavier than the older Pulse. I don't belt carry it often, generally only at work. I'm feeling like I might go back to the leatherman line, but I'll be giving the Vic a fair shot to prove itself.
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  3. #22
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    I recently picked up this Leatherman Surge for 5 bucks at a garage sale. Needless to say I'm pretty happy with my value for money.
    They didnt have a pouch for it however so I'm keeping my eyes out for something suitable. Then I'll carry it at work and really test it out

    Name:  Leatherman700.jpg
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  5. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    $5.00, hell of a deal. I great multitool.
    Make a sheath for it, find some scrap leather & go for it.
    Thank you for sharing it.
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  7. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GadgetGeek View Post
    I've since been using a Vic Swisstool, and while I really love the fit and finish, the feel, the tools, it is HEAVY, about as heavy as the SOG and much heavier than the older Pulse.
    This is part of what is drawing me to the Victorinox. I want something with a bit of heft to it and feels substantial. I used an older Gerber for a number of years and it always felt like I was going to break it, even with the most menial of tasks.

  8. #25
    Senior Member Blue's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HNSB View Post
    Edit: Oooh! I may have just found my ideal tool: Leatherman multi-tools: Super Tool 300
    The cutters are replaceable, meaning even when I damage them I can just replace those instead of the whole tool. It also has cutter inserts for hard wire.
    Nice, this just hit my wishlist.

  9. #26
    Senior Member cutalot's Avatar
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    i have used most of the tools mentioned, over the years. the most usefull has been the vic. with a set of bits and a ratchet +a mini prybar all fitting into the sheath, theres not much it cant handle. that being said the down side is that its a bit much to carry. i have a surge in my truck and a mini sog in my pocket
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    Theseus (09-09-2012)

  11. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    A while ago I was searching for a multi tool for our Ready Bags. I narrowed it down to the Victorinox the OP posted and the Leatherman Charge TTI Leatherman 830685 Charge TTi with Nylon Sheath: Home Improvement . We settled on the Leatherman w/ the bit assortment. Good assortment of tools and s30v blades sold me. If I purchase another I would try the Victorinox, which was a close second. The SOG Power assist was also on my list.
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  13. #28
    Senior Member grizli's Avatar
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    got a leatherman super tool (10 years old) in my car or on me when I'm planning on doing some heavier than usual work, and a leatherman skelatool CX as a day to day carry. pliers, 2 double driver bits with 24 more in my carry all, and a versatile 154cm blade, half serrated and half plain, with single hand operation. good enough for a SW engineer / emergency response volunteer. keeps a wicked edge. pocket clip and a lanyard clip that doubles as a bottle opener. all the basics...
    Last edited by grizli; 09-09-2012 at 10:27 AM. Reason: d&@m swype as usual
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  15. #29
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Another Leatherman TTi user here.

    I just toss it into my bag or on my belt whenever I go somewhere. It's great and functional. The Swiss one might be better (I don't know) but I love the Titanium scales and the S30V blade on the leatherman. The bit set is great as well and provides the most common bits you could need.

    The warrantee might not be lifelong (as with Vic tools) but 25 years is a LONG time nonetheless and they seem to be pretty easygoing about it.

    I didn't see whether you're in the states. But if you aren's and you opt to go for a leatherman. Make sure you buy it from the US.It might save you 50% of the price. The TTi is around €180 in the local store as opposed to €90 when I had it imported.
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  17. #30
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    Another Leatherman TTi user here.

    I just toss it into my bag or on my belt whenever I go somewhere. It's great and functional. The Swiss one might be better (I don't know) but I love the Titanium scales and the S30V blade on the leatherman. The bit set is great as well and provides the most common bits you could need.

    The warrantee might not be lifelong (as with Vic tools) but 25 years is a LONG time nonetheless and they seem to be pretty easygoing about it.

    I didn't see whether you're in the states. But if you aren's and you opt to go for a leatherman. Make sure you buy it from the US.It might save you 50% of the price. The TTi is around €180 in the local store as opposed to €90 when I had it imported.

    When I bought my Charge TTI the list was $260 USD but the sale price was $106 USD. The list is now $160 and being sold on Amazon for $115. I have been more than happy with the Charge. It is always on my belt. I do not carry all the extra bits.
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  18. The Following User Says Thank You to rolodave For This Useful Post:

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