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Thread: Radar Detectors

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lemur View Post
    Perhaps you can have a AGM-88 HARM on the roof of that Mustang!
    That would teach them.

    In Sweden it's all Lidar and anything you do to beat them is illegal, except keeping to the speed limit, that's still legal I think.
    Did not need the harm,could outrun all the LEOS at will no prob,Just could not outrun there radios
    ScottGoodman and BobH like this.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Sorry, I admit it , I'm a speeder,if that's the worst that can be said about me ,I'm not worried,worked the night shift for fourteen years,empty roads,and kept the car in the best condtion I could,never cheaped out on tires,shocks and such,and the highlite of my career? (if you can call it that) got pulled over on an empty roadafter stopping for a stop sign,and the car behind me lit up like a Christmas tree,Busted! the cop asked me "do you know how fast you were going?" to which I replied (he was about my age) yup,about 140,he was so shocked at my honesty that he started to ask about the car, a 78 mercedes that I had been restoring for about fifteen years at that point,and when he asked to see the moter,I knew I was getting off,however he did tell me if he ever cought me doing anything like that again, he would ruin my whole year...that I took to still love going fast,keeps me young.

  3. #13
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I am in 2 minds about speeding.
    During the day or on ordinary roads, I always drive within the speed limits. Speeding is much too dangerous then, and with traffic around you, you really can't get your average speed up anyway. It's not worth the financial risk or the risk of killing others. For people who drive like maniacs on small road in urban areas I'd reinstate public flogging.


    At night though, on an empty highway, speeding can shave a measurable amount of time from your total travel time. And above all, it really isn't a risk to anyone but yourself. My tactic is to drive close to the limit until a fast car drives by in the far left lane. Then I tag along at whatever speed they're at, but at 100 yards distance. That way I have warning if I see a flash.

    Of course, soon that tactic won't work anymore, seeing as at various places, they're implementing trajectory control, meaning they snap your license plat at point A, and a couple kilometers down the road again at point B to calculate your average speed. You won't even know you're caught until you get the notification in the mail.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  4. #14
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post

    Of course, soon that tactic won't work anymore, seeing as at various places, they're implementing trajectory control, meaning they snap your license plat at point A, and a couple kilometers down the road again at point B to calculate your average speed. You won't even know you're caught until you get the notification in the mail.
    Can they prove it is you driving?

  5. #15
    Shattered Logistics's Avatar
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    In my neck of the woods they use LiDAR, too. In the areas I drive there is seldom an officer sitting there gunning people as most deputies vehicles have the ability to scan while they drive, meaning they can capture your speed while driving towards or away from them. The same tool also scans the plate to verify if it's registered or stolen.

  6. #16
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    I am in 2 minds about speeding.
    During the day or on ordinary roads, I always drive within the speed limits. Speeding is much too dangerous then, and with traffic around you, you really can't get your average speed up anyway. It's not worth the financial risk or the risk of killing others. For people who drive like maniacs on small road in urban areas I'd reinstate public flogging.


    At night though, on an empty highway, speeding can shave a measurable amount of time from your total travel time. And above all, it really isn't a risk to anyone but yourself. My tactic is to drive close to the limit until a fast car drives by in the far left lane. Then I tag along at whatever speed they're at, but at 100 yards distance. That way I have warning if I see a flash.

    Of course, soon that tactic won't work anymore, seeing as at various places, they're implementing trajectory control, meaning they snap your license plat at point A, and a couple kilometers down the road again at point B to calculate your average speed. You won't even know you're caught until you get the notification in the mail.
    This part of the woods we call that following a jackrabbit....however I find them too slow.....jus sayin...

  7. #17
    Gentillhomme Giuseppe's Avatar
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    Where I live in France we have our «jackrabbits» too : swissmen driving home, they don't care about automatic radar so you just wait for one to drive by, and here you go.

    They start to talk about trajectory control tho, a radar snapping you twice on highway. (i've even heard a control by snapping your license plate when you enter the highway, and again when you exit it.)

  8. #18
    Senior Member Grizzley1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Giuseppe View Post
    Where I live in France we have our «jackrabbits» too : swissmen driving home, they don't care about automatic radar so you just wait for one to drive by, and here you go.

    They start to talk about trajectory control tho, a radar snapping you twice on highway. (i've even heard a control by snapping your license plate when you enter the highway, and again when you exit it.)
    Yeah I've heard about that,theres stuff you can do to your licence plate to mess with the camera,that cant be detected with the naked eye,or so I'm told......

  9. #19
    32t is offline
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    I just got a new truck and put the plates on yesterday. they came in the mail and I told my daughter to open them up.She started laughing her butt off. I said OMG what did I get. Your driving the Chicken Truck! KFC. She was about to roll on the floor because as she said I would never take them to KFC. [Kentucky Fried Chicken] Chicken is what you eat when you are broke. I would eat if you invited me to your house and served it but I am not going to spend my hard earned money to go out to eat and buy chicken. Much more behind this but I might have to get personalized plates to get rid of it. We change plates every 7 years and I don't know if I want to wait that long. Even so this truck will forever be known as the Chicken Truck!

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    At night though, on an empty highway, speeding can shave a measurable amount of time from your total travel time. And above all, it really isn't a risk to anyone but yourself. My tactic is to drive close to the limit until a fast car drives by in the far left lane. Then I tag along at whatever speed they're at, but at 100 yards distance. That way I have warning if I see a flash.
    When people pull this stunt on me, I move to a slower lane or slow up a lot. You're not gonna use me as bait for a speed trap! LOL

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