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Thread: A Great Shaver But.....

  1. #11
    Senior Member JoeLowett's Avatar
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    Default A Great Shaver But.....

    Quote Originally Posted by PaulKidd View Post
    I don't have that many razors, so I figure that if I haven't used one particular one for a year,
    then it's time to get rid of it...sell it, give it away, whatever.
    No. Lol.

    Sorry that's the collector in me speaking.

    I have a few razors that I would describe as exceptional shavers that don't get their fair share if 'Facetime' there various reasons for this, all which have already been stated in this thread.

    My 8/8 celebrated and d hayashi 8000 are close to NOS so I save those for 'occasions' my greaves stubby is old and save for occasions, my brummells, 5/8 W&B hollow and other 4/8 to 5/8 are 'when I'm in the mood for them' razors that don't get a ton of face time. My 9/8 tillotsons FBU is a rare bird, and comes out every so often.

    My work horses are my 3, 6/8 - 7/8 W&B India steel wedges, all unique and similar at the same time and my two dovos, ( a 5:8 hollow and a flowing 6/8)

    I also have various other razor that make an appearance from time to time.

    Fwiw I only own sexy razors, - as once said by Jay Z - I got 99 problems but a bit*h ain't one.
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Luis's Avatar
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    I agree. We are guilty of neglecting a razor. Sometimes we just have too many razors. If I don't use it, I don't keep it. I personally feel that razors are tools not mantle pieces. I suspect our neglected razors are missing the sexy factor.

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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashone View Post
    As to good shavers that are plain Janes, Why not put some them in some sexy lingerie (new scales) to raise their appeal?
    I guess that depends on whether they are original or not. I dont really like the idea of taking apart a perfectly functional original razor and dressing it up in something new just for the sake of it. but that's just me. Whereas if it has been rescaled already then it doesnt really matter I supppose if you change them again.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    I have thought about this issue quite a bit. Pertinent questions...I have not come up with my answer to the dilemma.

    -Is any razor in celluloid scales in perfectly functional condition?
    -What is the value of keeping it in original scales or reproductions that won't cell rot?
    -Since I am the current curator of these vintage blades, what duty do I have?

  5. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashone View Post
    I have thought about this issue quite a bit. Pertinent questions...I have not come up with my answer to the dilemma.

    -Is any razor in celluloid scales in perfectly functional condition?
    -What is the value of keeping it in original scales or reproductions that won't cell rot?
    -Since I am the current curator of these vintage blades, what duty do I have?
    Yes, I suppose the cell rot issue is something to consider, I personally will just try to avoid celluloid, though it can be kind of pretty.
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  6. #16
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    I try to love the shave from all the razors I use, but there is one that, while it gives a good shave, leaves me cold. It's a Swedish Frameback. I get no feedback from it, yet it is one of the better shaves. It leaves me saying, "Eh, what was that?". Not sexy not anti-sexy, a bland, no definition feeling. But I will keep trying and see if I can coax a response from it that says anything but, , and that would be nice.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    I try to love the shave from all the razors I use, but there is one that, while it gives a good shave, leaves me cold. It's a Swedish Frameback. I get no feedback from it, yet it is one of the better shaves. It leaves me saying, "Eh, what was that?". Not sexy not anti-sexy, a bland, no definition feeling. But I will keep trying and see if I can coax a response from it that says anything but, , and that would be nice.
    Is that the mini 3/8 one? I kind of know what you mean though, I use a frameback and really like it, but I wouldn't exactly call the shaves exciting.
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  8. #18
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by edhewitt View Post
    Is that the mini 3/8 one? I kind of know what you mean though, I use a frameback and really like it, but I wouldn't exactly call the shaves exciting.
    No, Ed, it's a 6/8. It's up again for tomorrow. Trying to winnow 24 razors down to a regular 14 is driving me crazy and the Frameback isn't helping. M<ore coffee, more long thinking walks, more anything to see if it can help make a decision.
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  9. #19
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The way I see it a dream razor is the total package-performance and looks, if that is what you are after.

    Even though I may have some razors that shave super they may not look it but I still enjoy using them. As a matter of fact I prefer workmanship finish razors to those "Sunday Shavers". Also I have a few razors that look great and shave great and may at first glance appear to be "dream razors" but there may be a balance issue or something else and those I don't use much.
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