I was wondering if it was just me who does this. It doesn't matter where I am, although usually work. If I notice shaving rash or spots etc I have to ask what that person uses to shave. It's often a conversation which others will overhear, dismiss as boring and then ask questions on the subject.

I appreciate that I'm still new at this myself but learning how to shave properly has been a revelation to me. This being the case I tend to pass on what little knowledge I have to the chaps I work with, happy to say I've not had to speak with any ladies about their beard prep yet

Thus far it has been well received and I'll direct them to where they can get a DE or Straight and I'll give them a tube of RSC Cream and AS Balm to get them started (luckily my mum and wife went OTT on RSC stuff last year for me so it's a good excuse to make room for new stuff).

All but one is now clean shaven daily with only the odd nick/cut.

So, is anyone else as much a pest as I am?