I own both DEs and straights. Until now it has been wonderful to go into the bathroom and choose which one I use.
I absolutely love the feel of a straight against my face, and the difference in technique, the beauty of the razor itself, etc.
With the DE it is familiar territory, since it's what I started on in the '70s. I also like to try different blades, and have been playing around with that for the last few days, and having loads of fun and learning a lot, too.
But I miss the straight. But I really want to continue with the DE, the blades, etc.
Hence my dilemma. If I choose the DE, I'll be jonesing to use the straight. If I choose the straight, I'll be itching to go scrounging around in my cabinet, choosing DE blades and razor.
Oh the humanity! I need a twin growing out of the side of my neck or something.