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05-31-2014, 01:27 PM #11
Of course I began shaving, in the mid 1960s with a DE and TBH I didn't like them. I switched to a Schick injector, preferring the blade angle, keenness, and I was much less prone to nicks and weepers. When the disposable Gillette 'Good News' came out I took to it like a duck to water because of the similarity in angle to the Schick, and the twin blades worked well for me. Tried straight razors in the mid '80s but never could get the hang of honing, so gave that up.
When I went back to wet shaving with the DE, through the influence of JB Horen, I began accumulating old Gillette 3 piece razors, TTOs, and other brands, such as Barbasol, and Merkur. Discovered the Slant and the Feather blade and I was hooked. Finally got back into the straights, learned to hone, thanks to SRP, Lynn and Randy especially.
Now I almost always shave with a straight. I get a good shave with a DE, be it a slant, a Gillette Big Fellow, or a Barbasol, among others, but I can never shave with a DE without feeling like it is a "contraption." The simplicity of the straight, the feel on the face, the pleasure of shaving with an instrument that I have fine tuned ........ can't beat it.
As far as having the choice on a given day, an old friend of mine would have classified that as a "high class problem."It is, after all, one of lifes simple pleasures, to be able to choose from the best of both worlds.
Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.
06-01-2014, 12:37 AM #12
One piece of advice - don't get a Rolls.
"We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk."
06-02-2014, 03:09 PM #13
06-02-2014, 07:23 PM #14
I was perfectly happy shaving with a straight EXCEPT for getting the smoothness I sought on 15% of my neck - too much blade (and maybe not enough technique?). One day I sharpened up the NOS Rolls dad gave about 30 years ago and it was darn near perfect - on my neck, everywhere. That little short blade handles like a sportscar in the turns, J-strokes, guillotines, does it all as well as anything. Then I made the mistake of getting a Merk 1904 and a Gillette Slim Adjustable. Darn near as good as the Rolls.
Just saying - too many razor choices and not enough faces to shave - it's unhealthy. I tried two passes with a straight then touch up with the Rolls for a while (darn near perfect) but the extra clean-up and stropping was a nuisance.
We suffer for our art."We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk."