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Thread: How many different types of razors have you tried?

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Question How many different types of razors have you tried?

    I got to thinking today as I shaved with a SR and thought about the thread on the newest Gillette razor, that I have spent an amazing amount of money and time trying the latest and greatest "new thing" during my 50+ year shaving history, and wondered how many others have tried that I haven't. Here are mine beginning with my first and working forward:
    1. DE Gillette (s)
    2. Schick and then Wilkinson Sword injectors
    3. Remington Electric
    4. Gillette cartridge (one/two/three blade over the years)
    5. Straight
    6. Norelco Triple Head electric (Had original and floating at different times)
    7. Gillette Fusion
    8. DE Muhle (and others)
    9. Straight again

    So I count that as 6 or 7 varieties, even though there were subsets. What about you? Did you hit any I haven't?
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  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Where does putting milk on your face and letting the cat lick it off belong?

    I started shaving with a Gillette Sensor then a Gillette Mach 3. Switched to a straight razor about a year ago and added DEs to the mix this Spring.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    If I can remember correctly:
    1 My dad's Gillette Fatboy (which I still have) age 13
    2 Gillette Techmatic (YUCK!!!)
    3 Gillette Atra
    4 Various Electrics
    5 Various disposables
    6 Back to the DE
    7 stated wet shaving with a brush (various DE's and SE's)
    8 Straight razor and various safety razors (DE, SE and injector) Started with a Straight at about age 51
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    started with a Gillette fatboy , shaved for 40+ years and went to straights about 10 months ago,, guess I don't have a lot of difference in there tc
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Haroldg48's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rodb View Post
    If I can remember correctly:
    1 My dad's Gillette Fatboy (which I still have) age 13
    2 Gillette Techmatic (YUCK!!!)
    3 Gillette Atra
    4 Various Electrics
    5 Various disposables
    6 Back to the DE
    7 stated wet shaving with a brush (various DE's and SE's)
    8 Straight razor and various safety razors (DE, SE and injector) Started with a Straight at about age 51
    You reminded me that I lumped a bunch of cartridge razors all together. I had forgotten the Atra and disposables, which I only used when desperate and/or traveling. I just remember falling for every ad or drugstore display and saying, "wow, maybe that's the answer".
    rodb and earcutter like this.
    Just call me Harold
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  6. #6
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Well lets see. I really don't know if I can remember them all but I'll try. I have used the Gillette double edge, Shick injectable single edge, then again the Gillette adjustable double edge, The Remington electric a changeable blade straight when I was in the service and back to a double edge. went to a Kissing Crane straight razor and a Hess straight razor and then to the throw away Bic. After that I tried so many disposable razors I can't remember the names. Then I dug out the Kissing Crane again and started back. I was about to quite again when I found this sight and the videos. Since I watched the videos and talked to a couple of folks on the subject and did a lot of reading here the shaves started getting better. and that brings me to now. Now this is a period in time from 1960-61 until now. I really don't know if anyone has taken my advice or not but when the subject of shaving or shaving products come I try to steer them to this sight and the vendors her in.

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Started with either a Gillette super speed or a fatboy. Probably shaved with both in the '60s. Certainly have shaved with both since. Schick injectors dominated for a few years and then 30 or so with the Gillette Good News or Bic twin blade disposables.

    Since '06 about all the Gillette oldies from the '03 double ring through the 3 piece and up to the twist to opens. Favorites were the various Gillette Big Fellows and the Barbasol. Too many slants to document. Merkur with various brand logos, but all the same 3 piece or 2 piece styles regardless of who they made them for,

    Apollo, Ben-Hur, many many more branded and no-name slants. Never shaved with a cartridge razor but I did waste $30.00 or so on a Remington electric back in the '70s. Paperweight is all it was good for.

    Edit: forgot to mention, known to shave with a straight razor as well
    Last edited by JimmyHAD; 07-16-2014 at 03:15 AM.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Types or Makers?
    I started with Dad's Schick D then E and a Gillette furnished in service till I got out of boot camp.
    Back to Schick's till late 60s and an Atra, then the Atra type two blade cartridges were becoming crap, then Schick, and a few years back I..went to straights.
    Since then I have shaved with SE's from 1880 onward, DE's from ~1900 onward, slants and odd balls from the whole arena.
    So far I have renewed, honed and shaved with about 200 straights from 1810 onward.
    A good shave is a good shave!!
    Oh yes, Shavettes and suchlike...and now a real Kamisori on the way.
    Last edited by Geezer; 07-16-2014 at 03:22 PM. Reason: added info
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  9. #9
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Dang, Richard! You have been shaving since 1810? That's a good, long, time!
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    I rest my case.

  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    Dang, Richard! You have been shaving since 1810? That's a good, long, time!
    You've heard of past life recall haven't you??
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