A few of us eastern Pa guys got together on Monday the 8th to swap ideas and tips.
Mrsell63, Wyobarbershop and Mycarver, plus me, neckbone, met in my garage. Nothing but first class for us.
Me being the new guy to this art, soaked up a ton of info, particularly on pinning razors, as well as honing.
I got to test shave the other guy's razors to see what sharp was all about.
Mycarver brought some brushes he made which can be seen in the photo. He poured acrylic into a sleeve to form the turning blanks.
We hope to do this again in a couple of months. If any of you fellows are within striking distance of Reading or Allentown, Pa and want to join in, shoot me a PM.
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From left to right; Mycarver, wyobarbershop, neckbone and Mrsell63.
I have some other photos copied from my flip phone onto a SD card, but the PC won't recognize the card. Oh well....