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Thread: Razor Sales Decline

  1. #11
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The Key I think is,I learned that Hoarding Razors is not a good thing,you end up with perhaps 100s of razors that never get used (I did that)
    I fixated on one rare brand,sold off all the rest and concentrated on collecting the best of the best.
    I have 10 Razors Now,they all get used,they never wear out,so need to ever buy any more (well I did Buy a Palmera last month for real cheap
    If I can get them for under $35 am still in the game, but no more collecting for me.
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  2. #12
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    I see the nice ones still go for big money. There are about 3/4 of the ones on Ebay which are junk. Either worn-out or RSO's.
    I quit buying a while back, but still look. Happy with the too many I have! All I buy is for parts these days.
    I cannot help but think there are fewer nice ones available as time goes by. Some of these 'restores' are killing them off every day, IMO.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

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  4. #13
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    I am with you on that one Pixelfixed. I started off hoarding many razors, even buying some in duplicate because I loved them so much. As an example, I have developed quite an affinity for Puma razors, and like a crazy cat lady I acquired many over the years. I have now scratched that itch, and have released many of these cougars back into the wild.
    The same applies to those much sought after brands like filarmonica, heljestrand etc.. Catch and release

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  6. #14
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    I agree. I'm always afraid of not offering an honest price and then I see people way over me making me feel better but they are the ones that often keep cycling.

  7. #15
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Badgister View Post
    I am with you on that one Pixelfixed. I started off hoarding many razors, even buying some in duplicate because I loved them so much. As an example, I have developed quite an affinity for Puma razors, and like a crazy cat lady I acquired many over the years. I have now scratched that itch, and have released many of these cougars back into the wild.
    The same applies to those much sought after brands like filarmonica, heljestrand etc.. Catch and release
    I used to be a Puma Addict,great Blades,Is only one Razor in the world I lust after,A Helji 134,mint in Ivory,just never see them.
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  8. #16
    ace is offline
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    I am solely responsible for the decline in razor sales. I quit buying them. OK, I needed to see a psychiatrist for a while, and, yes, there were groups and some medication. It is not that hard at all, and it only took four years.

  9. #17
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    It seems that many of you are very much invested in this obsession. I am very new to it and trying to see it for what it is...... ENJOYABLE. But, I have to admit that as I cruise ebay with the rest of you I cant help but want it all. I believe it is human nature to feel this way about the things that give you pleasure. With every new blade there is a whole new feel and a lesson to learn from it. But, I am already asking myself... how much is enough? In the old days most people had just a razor or two. Why do I need 10? then 15? Well, probably because it brings me pleasure. Back then razors were probably seen more as a tool. I see them as a work of art. So I guess we are all art collectors in our own way.

    Just a thought I have been pondering of late.
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  10. #18
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    One day you will start looking at razors for sale/auction and will think: 'I don't need that!" and 'I have one close already!'!
    Then, you go back and appreciate what you have and work on old acquisitions. You will develop the mindset that you cannot ever have one of everything. Too many. One nice razor with which you can shave is much better to have than 5 which need full restos.
    Of course, by that time, you might have enough to keep you restoring for the rest of your life!
    Or NOT!
    MJC and Substance like this.
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  11. #19
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When i was around 12 years old (or so) I decided I would become a mineral collector with the goal of collecting every known mineral which at that time was around 2000 (it's considerably larger now). By the time I was probably 18 or so I realized that was never going to happen. Some were simply too rare or hard to get and I realized two things; 1-specialize in one area and just collect those and 2-it's a quality over quantity type thing.

    It's the same with razors and most other things. You can't have it all so you decide what you like and go from there.
    irish19 and rolodave like this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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  13. #20
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Aside from a unicorn or two in terms of razors, I'm satisfied with what I have...really been enjoying just opening up the storage chest and picking a blade and having a nice shave. A year and change into this, and having a shave with a straight still puts a big smile on my face, love the soap, the brush, and the whole process is just fantastic.

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