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Thread: Lost Razor Disappointment

  1. #1
    Senior Member Txshooter38's Avatar
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    Default Lost Razor Disappointment

    So my wife shipped my damaged blade to SRD for a repair and re-hone. I found out that SRD never received the razor so I go to USPS to see about finding the package. My wife had thrown away the tracking number so I tell the USPS guy I need to look up the package by shipper/destination/date shipped. The guy tells me he can't look up anything without a tracking number???

    Not happy with USPS....I guess my razor is gone. It was bad enough I dropped it but I just can't believe they can't look up a package....or that it did not return to sender....thank you federal government.

    I should have used UPS.....wait I couldn't b/c it had to go to a P.O. Box. Now I am scared to ship another one.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I had one lost sending it to someone I sold it to on eBay. Good luck getting USPS to honor the claim....with or without the tracking number. They will string you along forever. In the end it's simply not worth the effort.

  3. #3
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    And they wonder why they are failing.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    How long ago did you send it ? What with the bad weather in the midwest it may have been slowed down. I've had packages take way longer to get where they were going, but they got there eventually.
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    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    My experiences and opinion only...........

    B%@^& all you want but the USPS does a job that is respected around the world. Some schmucks do rip off packages but on the whole, I've shipped around the world with small items and only had one incoming package opened and the razor removed. And one outgoing that got caught in machinery and trashed. Do not lose the tracking number!!!
    That said, use standard shipping sizes and bigger than 4x4x4. Priority boxes with extra tape have done the job for me.
    On the other hand UPS has lost more than one and goes I stopped using them at all. YMMV
    I use major transportation bus lines for big heavy stuff, station to "hold at station" and warn the recipient as to which station and when to expect it. Way cheaper than the brown..
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  6. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    Hirlau (11-18-2014), lz6 (11-18-2014), rodb (11-18-2014)

  7. #6
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    When you think of the millions of packages and letters and junk mail the postal service delivers every day you have to expect some to be lost. All in all I really think they do a great job.
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  8. #7
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Totally agree with Geezer, I've sent hundred and received dozens without a loss (knock on wood), the one time I had an issue as a seller, they dug around in their conveyer and bins until they found it and the buyer got his razor

  9. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    I would have been happy o forgive and forget if they would have been cooperative about filing a claim and honoring the insurance. Instead they jerked me around long enough for me to question the value of my time. It's understandable that things happen. But don't make it impossible to get resolution.
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  10. #9
    Senior Member Txshooter38's Avatar
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    It is not losing it that bothers is the attitude of the guy at the counter and an overall business model that does not allow more then one way to run something down. Yes my wife should not have lost the tracking number...I got it Geezer.....I have had good success with them in the past and will use them again in the future. I am frustrated when I get the shoulder shrug at the counter.

  11. #10
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    I really feel your pain but...........don't lose that number! Taking a picture of it with your smart phone is a good idea and send it to your spouse also. Besides, it may eventually turn up. Give it some time. Good luck. I would cry!

    Geezer and Hirlau like this.

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