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  1. #11
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    Has anybody been unhappy with the quality of an edge and not been offered a free fix? of copurse, that doesn't mean it couldn't happen some day.

    My only thought was that it would be a sensible measure for a honemeister to take!!
    Tony Miller got raked over the coals a couple of weeks back. If not for his reputation here it could have seriously damaged his strop business. What if that guy had made a complaint somewhere else where Tony didn't have the benefit of his reputation. Do you see where I'm going. In my opinion it is just a sensible measure, along the lines of insurance if you will!!

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    wow guys I did not mean to stir it up..

    This was definitely not an attack on honemeisters or on customs.
    Yes they have a right to open and inspect but I would like to know about it if they did, I'm gonna shave with thing FFS.

    As for expensive the link in my original post is for $30 sealer. HERE

    I would think some honemeisters would also like to know if the razor was tampered with.

    Knowledge is power,

    newbie with trouble shaving.
    Is the razor dull, is it his stropping or did customs use it as a letter opener????

    Honemeisters, hone, strop, seal, ship, and the newbie gets one sharp shave. (before he duffs it on the strop)

    I bought a razor from Ivo that I had a poor first shave with, some of the guys here jumped in and said the razor was not sharp. That turned out not to be true the razor is scary sharp and the problem was no stropping, poor prep, not stretching skin and poor angle. I am convinced of this and have moved on, poor Ivo is still concerned about it.
    If it had been sealed when it arrived, (We would all know)

    p.s. What is it with you guys and suing.

  3. #13
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by heliguy View Post

    p.s. What is it with you guys and suing.
    Americans most of them...they can't help it. It's a national disease.

    jk guys

  4. #14
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    Unfortunately suing is a disease. Just do a Google search for Stupid Lawsuits if you're bored.

    I suppose it's up to those with their fannies on the line to decide whether or not they want to invest in it. As for me, I don't need it nor will I require it to buy from someone.

  5. #15
    Pogonotomy rules majurey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianB View Post
    I suppose it's up to those with their fannies on the line to decide whether or not they want to invest in it. As for me, I don't need it nor will I require it to buy from someone.
    There are women honemeisters on here?!?

  6. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    Americans most of them...they can't help it. It's a national disease.

    jk guys
    No, it's sadly true. I fear someday we will sue ourselves out of existence.

  7. #17
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    hehe, don't you love the different meanings of words between two countries that speak the same language!

  8. #18
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    Yeah, have to love it. As long as the point came across with the humor.

  9. #19
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well as a retired Customs Agent let me tell you all that when you ship any parcel into any country you should always assume the item will be opened and inspected. Even if the actual percentage of items opened is very small (and it is) depending on the country its coming from and current security concerns just accept it that way. Customs guys have way more to do than play with your razors. If there is any monkey business going on with your package its more likely coming from the courier service than Customs. Even if you put a seal on the item and it arrives with the seal broken and you know its been handled, so what? If it doesn't shave well are you going to just blame Customs or the Honemeister or any of the next 40 or 50 people who handled your package after Customs inspected it?

    Its kind of like taking your car into service and putting all kinds of markings on various parts of the car to see if the service guys are playing with things they shouldn't be playing with.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Well as a retired Customs Agent let me tell you all that when you ship any parcel into any country you should always assume the item will be opened and inspected. Even if the actual percentage of items opened is very small (and it is) depending on the country its coming from and current security concerns just accept it that way. Customs guys have way more to do than play with your razors. If there is any monkey business going on with your package its more likely coming from the courier service than Customs. Even if you put a seal on the item and it arrives with the seal broken and you know its been handled, so what? If it doesn't shave well are you going to just blame Customs or the Honemeister or any of the next 40 or 50 people who handled your package after Customs inspected it?

    Its kind of like taking your car into service and putting all kinds of markings on various parts of the car to see if the service guys are playing with things they shouldn't be playing with.

    I'm not trying to blame anyone, I'm really not interested in who opened the package. I guess as an ex-customs guy you are sensitive to slanderous comments about how they treat other peoples stuff and maybe I should have said that more explicitly, the suggestion was more about knowing if it had been, and not about assigning blame or saying that someone did something wrong, heck you could even say that they would be obliged to cut something with it to prove that it is really a razor and not a way of smuggling gold into the country undeclared. Again how or why the package was opened is not the point, I only thought that it would be simple cheap and easy way to know if it was, I did not intend to use that knowledge to blame or sue anybody.

    I thought it was a good idea wanted to share it. me

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