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  1. #1
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    Default Calling all Honemisters

    Would you consider using a vacuum sealer as a means of quality control.
    What I'm suggesting is when one of us sends you a razor to be honed you could vacuum seal it, package it, and ship it off knowing that if it gets messed with a customs it will be obvious as the seal will be broken and if customs need to inspect it they can see all they need to see without breaking the seal.
    also as a bonus it is hermetically sealed in case the package gets wet.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That would mean the honemeister(s) would have to invest in a vacum sealer. Also I hate to break the news to you but if Customs goes through your package the item will be completely unpacked sealed or not. Even if you can verify that it was unsealed and the razor is suspected of being used as a letter opener by Customs who you going to sue?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    That would mean the honemeister(s) would have to invest in a vacum sealer. Also I hate to break the news to you but if Customs goes through your package the item will be completely unpacked sealed or not. Even if you can verify that it was unsealed and the razor is suspected of being used as a letter opener by Customs who you going to sue?
    I think the point is the honemeister wont be blamed!?!
    It would be a sensible protection for the honemeister!!

  4. #4
    Frameback Aficionado heavydutysg135's Avatar
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    At least you would know that the razor has been tampered with before you use it. Although vacum sealers are fairly expensive there are other ways to achieve the same goal. The honemeister could use a type of "official" seal arround the blade and scales. If it were broken then that would meen that the blade had been tampered with and could have been damaged. Of course I am assuming that a honemeister would see the value in doing this which might not be the case.

  5. #5
    The triple smoker
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    A roll of Glad Press N Seal would be an affordable alternative methinks, and even useful for non-shaving related items as well.


  6. #6
    Harry the Penmaker
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    Quote Originally Posted by heavydutysg135 View Post
    At least you would know that the razor has been tampered with before you use it. Although vacum sealers are fairly expensive there are other ways to achieve the same goal. The honemeister could use a type of "official" seal arround the blade and scales. If it were broken then that would meen that the blade had been tampered with and could have been damaged. Of course I am assuming that a honemeister would see the value in doing this which might not be the case.

    You mean sort of like the band on a cigar?

  7. #7
    Senior Member BrianB's Avatar
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    You know, to be honest, I don't know why I trust Lynn. I couldn't give a single reason why any of us trust anyone we send a razor to. What's to say we'll get it back? What's to say we'll get the same one? What's to say they'll do the job we requested and more than likely paid them to do?

    I trust that if I send a razor to Lynn for honing that it will get done in a manner which both he and I approve of. I trust it to get done, most of all. If it comes back duller than a bowling ball I'd have to question those between here and there. It's, unfortunately, a risk we take. Could file an insurance claim, possibly, for damage done to the razor. Like I said, it's a risk, but I would never imagine blaming the person I sent the razor to of not doing the task I requested (exceptions, of course, to everything).

    My $0.02

  8. #8
    JMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by BrianB View Post
    You know, to be honest, I don't know why I trust Lynn. I couldn't give a single reason why any of us trust anyone we send a razor to. What's to say we'll get it back? What's to say we'll get the same one? What's to say they'll do the job we requested and more than likely paid them to do?

    I trust that if I send a razor to Lynn for honing that it will get done in a manner which both he and I approve of. I trust it to get done, most of all. If it comes back duller than a bowling ball I'd have to question those between here and there. It's, unfortunately, a risk we take. Could file an insurance claim, possibly, for damage done to the razor. Like I said, it's a risk, but I would never imagine blaming the person I sent the razor to of not doing the task I requested (exceptions, of course, to everything).

    My $0.02
    You may not blame them but others might. if you ask me it's just a sensible protection against the "not so honest" among us.

  9. #9
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JMS View Post
    You may not blame them but others might. if you ask me it's just a sensible protection against the "not so honest" among us.
    Has anybody been unhappy with the quality of an edge and not been offered a free fix? of copurse, that doesn't mean it couldn't happen some day.


  10. #10
    Senior Member BrianB's Avatar
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    Maybe I've veered from the topic. If I've got this right, it's not a matter of us trusting the honemeisters, it's the customs agents. I'm not sure there's much of anything you could do if customs does decide it necessary to pillage through your items (it being sort of their job to do that sort of thing with just causes). I would notify the honemeister as soon as I received the razor, however, and work something out. I'd trust everything to work out fine.

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