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Thread: First Barber Shop Shave

  1. #1
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    Default First Barber Shop Shave

    I was in New Orleans this past week on business and discovered that there is an Art of Shaving store on Canal St. I stopped and had a look around. I decided later on to book a shave later in the week before a big event I had Saturday evening.

    It was an amazing experience. I got the Royal Shave and it was 45 minutes of pure bliss. Chris was my barber and he did a fantastic job. I would highly recommend anyone on the fence about doing this to take the plunge. Well worth the experience at least once in your life.
    Lynn, rolodave, RezDog and 3 others like this.

  2. #2
    Senior Member Willisf's Avatar
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    I've never had a Barber shave..... I sooooo want one though. From what I hear and see on videos.... They are total BLISS!!! (Well most of them are)
    rolodave likes this.
    Is it over there or over yonder?

  3. #3
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    Great stuff. I have been to 3 different places near me and enjoyed all immensely.
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  4. #4
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    Since we all struggle to learn the different nooks and crannies of our own faces for such a long time, and map our beards and get to know what products and techniques specifically our faces and beard growth benefit from, I always wonder how close and comfortable a barber shave is? Is it an OK shave, but it's the whole experience that makes it such a great time, or do you actually walk away both with a great experience AND a DFS+ or even a BBS shave?

    Of course it varies from barber to barber, but generally, how close and comfortable does a barber shave become?

  5. #5
    Stay calm. Carry on. MisterMoo's Avatar
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    Awwwww. Right before enlisting in the Army my good old barber, Fred Wallace (Royal Oak, MI - 1971) gave me a shave and a haircut for two bits. That was a darn good shave and, unlike my dailies, was unforgettable.

    Nice call, a NOLA shave. Like beignets and coffee on a pretty morning, it should be impossible to forget.
    "We'll talk, if you like. I'll tell you right out, I am a man who likes talking to a man who likes to talk."

  6. #6
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I had 2 barber shave at the same time. My first and last. Maybe it's a guilty feeling but to have some one with something that sharp at my throat well my nerves just want allow that again. When I was in the horse pistol being prep for the heart cath well lets just say the old nerves were on edge.

  7. #7
    Senior Member lethalgraphix's Avatar
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    That's awesome. There isn't a Art of Shaving (that I know of here in Cali), but I've heard great things. Nearest thing in my area to a Art of Shaving, is a place called 18-8. This is a relatively new establishment consisting mostly of tattooed women. Though this is a interesting concept that I must experience, my local barber also works there, and is the lead barber/stylist.

    My barber turned me onto straight razor shaving back in November of last year. I try to do a royal a month. Give or take work load.

    But I got to make it to 18-8 for a royal and a micro brew.

  8. #8
    50 year str. shaver mrsell63's Avatar
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    I can't remember where I found this photo but it is certainly on topic as well as a human interest photo.

    100 year old man gets first straight shave......

    Name:  First straight shave.jpg
Views: 167
Size:  18.6 KB
    wyobarbershop and Redcane like this.
    OOOPS! Pass the styptic please.

  9. #9
    I got this . . . Orville's Avatar
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    Literally EVERY Barber shave I have ever had has been BBS, with the exception of one. That one was a new Barber, who was still learning and fessed up beforehand. He did not want to give me the full shave and risk cutting me. I told him he had to learn sometime, and not to worry about any nicks. I stepped out of the chair an hour later with a DFS shave, no nicks and, best of all . . .

    NO CHARGE. Shop owner appreciated my letting the new kid get some practice. Made a point of using the same kid for the next two shaves, and both were pristine. I like to think I had a hand in getting him started . . .

  10. #10
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    The shave and experience were both good. It was a very close shave. To be fair, he didn't use a true straight razor, it was a shavette but he said that's a requirement for sterilization and such. I had read up on this being common practice with barbers now so I expected it.

    It is probably the experience that makes it. I told a female friend about the experience and she said it pretty much sounded like getting a facial in spa. You get the hot towel before hand, pre shave oil, a 2 pass shave, cold towel infused with drops essential lemon oil, an after shave balm and then a clay mask. My face felt clean and it was closer to BBS than I have even gotten. I got the shave on Saturday and I just shaved for the first time since then tonight. Now I looked liked I needed a shave. Probably should have shaved yesterday, but I usually can only go 1 day in between shaves so to get 2 days I figured was quite good.

    It isn't something I would do a lot, but certainly something to do to pamper yourself. The experience and atmosphere is all part of it.

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