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  1. #11
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    I lived in Santa Barbara CA. for 25 years, I don't think I have ever lived anywhere that had harder water than there.

    I just moved to the bay area from Orange County (Down the street from Dizzy Land) and the water there is alot better than S.B., The water here is about the same as O.C. as well. I just don't notice anymore.

    Alaska was probably the best place as far as... well... Everything (I'm trying to get back there ASAP!!)

    I didn't shave at all in Georgia or Kansas if I remember correctly...

  2. #12
    Born on the Bayou jaegerhund's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwarvenChef View Post
    I lived in Santa Barbara CA. for 25 years, I don't think I have ever lived anywhere that had harder water than there.

    I just moved to the bay area from Orange County (Down the street from Dizzy Land) and the water there is alot better than S.B., The water here is about the same as O.C. as well. I just don't notice anymore.

    Alaska was probably the best place as far as... well... Everything (I'm trying to get back there ASAP!!)

    I didn't shave at all in Georgia or Kansas if I remember correctly...
    Man --- I would like to see Alaska one day and test out their water (might not leave)


  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I live in hardwater in central in new mexico but I have a water softener. Adding salt will do nothing. Water softeners use resin beads loaded with salt or potasium chloride and they exchange the hard stuff ion for ion then recharge after a while. Hard water not only makes lathering difficult but cloggs up plumbing and appliances.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    Senior Member nickyspaghetti's Avatar
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    In the UK I live in a town that gets its water from chalk hills. It is awful water to use for anything. Even drinking it isn't pleasant. I used to love visiting my grandmas house in the midlands which had much better water, and was the only place I would drink water from the tap when I was a child. Now we use a water softener, which makes shaving and showering a much nicer experience all round.

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