This was a historic day for my family.

While I've been shaving with a straight for about 25 yrs, my 16 year old son finally has enough fuzz to need to shave it every now and then. He's been using a disposable razor and canned goo for a while now. I've always told him I'd show him how to use a straight razor when the time came if he wanted to try it. It's been about a year I guess since he started "shaving." Tonight I was watching Lynn's DVD again, and my son says, 'So, when do I get to try a straight razor?'

Well, I took him to the sink and coached him through his first almost complete str8 shave. He did pretty good -- only a couple minor nicks. But what I thought was the really cool part was that for the razor, I had him use the one that was his great grandfathers. I had to ponder/savor that thought for a bit. A razor that has spanned 4 generations!! It was from my mother's side of the family, so only three of those generations actually shaved with it (unless my Uncle did -- I don't know). Then a splash of Dominica bay rum to finish off. The resulting "ooouch" reminded me of that scene from 'Home Alone' when the kid uses aftershave. I thought that was pretty funny too.

It was a good day.