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Thread: Where do you live

  1. #21
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    Guelph Ontario here, no photo.
    Fairly small town in the grand scheme of things but alot bigger than when I was younger.
    Still under 200,000 - so the signs say.

  2. #22
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    Palm harbor Florida since Feb of this year. Love it. It's about 7 miles from the gulf so we are about 5-7 degrees cooler than Tampa. Endless summer. I don't mind the heat especially since I don't have to work anymore in it. Lol. Oh and condo living is agreeable to me. Nothing to worry about outside of the house. They do it all. I love watching them clean the gutters. Prune the trees, cut that lawn etc. And all the other stuff that used to occupy too much of my time before (29 year homeowner on Long island NY in a previous life).

  3. #23
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    The little shack I call home in Colorado Springs. Living in the city has its good points and bad points but I'm happy.

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    It's just Sharpening, right?

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth PaulFLUS's Avatar
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    Gainesville Florida. Home of the University of Florida, the Florida Gators and a butt load of ignorant college students who don't have the sense God gave cabbage. It's curious because UF is a tough school to get in to AND YET they will walk right out into oncoming traffic without even looking. Not just one or two of them but the whole consarn gaggle of them. It's the damndest thing you've ever seen. That's just one example of the tsunami of stupidity we have to endure here from the little darlings.

    However, it is also the hometown of Tom Petty, River Phoenix, Steve Stills, Bernie Leadon, and stomping grounds of Duane Allman, Jaco Pastorius, Muddy Waters, Bo Diddley, Charlie Hargrett, and a number of other famous people. It has always been a noted odd fact that so many famous people have a connection to Gainesville...oh yeah, the band Sister Hazel is from here also as is Axe. Also the movies Doc Hollywood and Parenthood were filmed here.

    Also there are dozens, maybe hundreds of the most beautiful, literally crystal clear springs and spring fed rivers close by.

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    Here's my little corner of it.
    Iron by iron is sharpened, And a man sharpens the face of his friend. PR 27:17

  5. #25
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Been here since 1984. Ain't much, but I seem to work my ass off on it.
    Don't ask me about the Mexican rent house on the right, though. The old folks who lived there since new passed and their kids sold it to the first middle eastern dude with cash they saw. . Seems he lets it to the folks who work on all his rentals. Cars in the yard. Cabinet shop in the back yard under a few pop-ups.
    Nice folks, just forgot why they left down south. They live like it's Nuevo Laredo.
    Wife bitches and I remind her why I have been wanting to move for 10 years.

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  6. #26
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    There used to be a member map, but I can't remember how to get to it and can't seem to find it in the menus...

    There is this spot for locations in your profile section

  7. #27
    STF is offline
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    I think it was really nice of those guys that showed us their casa.
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    - - Steve

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  8. #28
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Yup, y’all show house pride and look after whatcha got.
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  9. #29
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Ever since the bank job went bad this is my home:

    That poor critter is in the next cell. He cries all night.

    But it ain't that bad, ice cream once a month and dessert once a month if Big Bubba doesn't steal it from you.
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  11. #30
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Oh I figured out your 'resident' status years ago, spendur.

    I reckon it's much swankier than I had imagined.
    If you get 3 squares, You and Mr. L must be living the good life!

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