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Thread: Where do you live

  1. #1
    STF is offline
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    Default Where do you live

    I was sure I saw a thread showing our houses and where we live.

    Maybe I am mistaken because I can't find it.

    Anyway, I live in Kingsville, Ontario. Here's link to see it if you are interested, I would post pics of my house if I could find the thread I thought I saw but can't find now.
    - - Steve

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  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I'm not sure many would want to be posting pics of our houses and any details about where we live. Security issues in this day and age you know.

    However if guys want to go ahead.
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  3. #3
    STF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I'm not sure many would want to be posting pics of our houses and any details about where we live. Security issues in this day and age you know.

    However if guys want to go ahead.
    I understand and agree but a pic of my house and the town i live in sounds pretty safe, I wasn't going to give my address.
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  4. #4
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Oh we got you, Steve. You are right THERE!

    I live in a shithole called Houston Proper.

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I live in a distinct area on the west coast called a Haida Gwaii. It’s an amazing place with outrageous costs but an abundance of food gathering possibilities. It’s the best!
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  6. #6
    STF is offline
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    Kingsville, where I live is ridiculously hot and humid in the summers and very mild in the winters. We get 2 inches of snow on occasion and it has been known to snow every day for 3 days, but it's all gone in less than 2 weeks.

    The worst for me is the huge man eating fish flies that arrive from Lake Erie in the millions every June and coat every surface.

    I also have garter snakes (slow worms/grass snakes) and big ol frogs in my back yard, I'm not scared of them but when they suddenly jump/ slide out as I get near with the lawnmower it has been clean pants time.

    This area is completely flat which is OK if you like that kind of thing or ride a push bike and if you saw it from the air or on Google earth it has the most greenhouses in N America because us and Leamington just down the road are the tomato capital of the continent if not the world. In the winter the sky is pink all night from the heat lamps. There's actually a petition going around to stop the light pollution but it doesn't bother me and I'm not sure what they could do anyway. Either you want dark nights or you want tomatoes and other produce in the winter from Canada
    sharptonn, outback and Gasman like this.
    - - Steve

    You never realize what you have until it's gone -- Toilet paper is a good example

  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Most f the guys I’ve known here for a long time know where I live, and I know where they live, ya security issues aside, I’m not too worried. State of the art security system (damn straight shooting .45). Oakland Tn former Missouri boy.

    Maybe Roy will come along and fix my picture!
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  8. #8
    Hones & Honing randydance062449's Avatar
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    I live in a small village, population 450, named Knapp, Wisconsin. This village is in a small valley surrounded by hills with trees of all kinds. There are 2 colors here, green in spring, summer, and fall, and nothing but white snow in the winter! We rarely get above 90 F. in the summer and the winters can be brutal for a period of about 1-2 weeks every year when the high temp is 0 F.
    The village is surrounded by hills and valleys, and small farms. This house was built by my grandfather in 1963 from lumber he salvaged from the one-room schoolhouse his children attended. White oak for the basement joists and beams, shiplap siding, and maple floors from the school. It is small, 24x36, one bedroom, with a big deck.
    Nice and quiet with good neighbors.
    Last edited by randydance062449; 08-13-2022 at 12:58 PM.
    Randolph Tuttle, a SRP Mentor for residents of Minnesota & western Wisconsin

  9. #9
    ~ Life is but a Dream ~ petercp4e's Avatar
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    Pete <:-}
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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth nessmuck's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I'm not sure many would want to be posting pics of our houses and any details about where we live. Security issues in this day and age you know.

    However if guys want to go ahead.
    Yup…with the new 87,000 new IRS agents just hired….why invite trouble
    gssixgun, sharptonn and tintin like this.

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