I just may be a cynic, but I think this has the potential to be a powder keg. Imagine that I'm a newbie, ask you for the kit, give you my deposit. I proceed to ruin the strop (and razor), copy the DVD, let the razor rust to hell, and then at the end send it back to you. You see the condition of the razor and strop, and say that you're not refunding his deposit (either at all or in part). That's where the wars start.

Also, the other thing I would caution against is stupid frivolous lawsuits - I get the razor, proceed to give myself such a good cut it requires stiches, and then I go back and sue you for providing me with a dangerous instrument without a thousand-and-three warning labels. I think that while this scenario is unlikely, the potential does exist, and without insurance, it could be a very costly generous act.

The third scenario is that I give you my deposit, you send me the kit, and I claim I never received it...now what? Do I get my money back? Can you prove that I'm lying?

Of course, I'm seeing the downside of things.
