View Poll Results: Which one, or both:

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  • Does straight razor shaving attract a more thoughtful person?

    21 87.50%
  • does straight razor shaving cause a person to be more thoughtful?

    13 54.17%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Results 11 to 14 of 14
  1. #11
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    well he could also use "iespell" and not have to switch last i knew clicking on the abc in the text box you can download the iespell if you do not already have it... works a treat....
    Be just and fear not.

  2. #12
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    That explains the (in)famous kenrup starter kit. Weeding them out arent you. Thanks.

    I am so BUSTED!

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Lets just face it, those who use straights are just a different breed of cat from the mainstream.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    Senior Member heelerau's Avatar
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    this is an interesting line of discussion. I did observe whilst reading one of the other threads, on other interests that there seems to be a common thread. Pipes, cigars, pocket watches, black powder arms, hunting, fishing, probable vintage cars, not many other horsemen though !! A common interest in old technologies, and a bent towards self sufficient lifestyle, maybe a reaction to the rapid pace of change and our disposable society.
    Howsomever we seem to have a great network here which covers a lot more than the gentle art of straight shaving, a place where can be found lots of interesting ideas and observations.

    Cheers all

    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    This is sort of the opposite of ChrisL's thread on leather types.

    I have an antique (or perhaps vintage) silver plate retractable strop that I would like to be able to use again. Unfortunately it's not just a simple matter of trying to recondition the leather, as in its current shape the leather has a few bad cuts and nicks in rather unfortunate places. If I ever want to use it again I'll need to replace the leather.

    So, the leather I guess needs to be thin enough to roll up into the casing when retracted. But it also needs to be thick enough to provide adequate stropping when extended. And I don't know what this relates to (perhaps suppleness or quality of the leather) but because it will spend most of its time rolled up, it needs to be able to withstand creasing too.

    Anyway, I'll probably take it to a leathersmith (is that the word?) to get their opinion, but I was hoping people may have some ideas beforehand regarding the best-suited leather for this purpose that I could put to the leather guy.

    Here are a couple of pictures of the item in question - the strop extends out a lot further (probably 3 times further) than the second picture shows. That was as far as I could get it to come out before it wanted to retract....

    Thanks for any help or info.

    Attachment 11711

    Attachment 11712

    Keep yo hoss well shod an yo powdah dry !

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