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  • Does straight razor shaving attract a more thoughtful person?

    21 87.50%
  • does straight razor shaving cause a person to be more thoughtful?

    13 54.17%
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  1. #1
    JMS is offline
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    Default Just a question.

    Below is a question that I asked in another thread, so, let me ask the lot of you.

    I've noticed, at least it appears so, that the straight shaving community is a rather thoughtful group!
    I wonder if straights attract a more thoughtful person, or if people become more thoughtful after using a straight for a time?

  2. #2
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I've wondered this too Mark. Good question.

    I don't know the answer, although I suspect it's a little from column A and a little from column B.

    One thought I've had though is that we view the straight razor community through this window (the forum). It's a big window, and has a lovely view. But it's still just a window. So perhaps a lot of the thoughtfulness we observe is because of SRP - how new members see older or more established members interacting with each other, and try to model their behaviours and comments on that.

    Of course, using straights is in and of itself a natural filter - think of the sort of person who, generally in physical isolation from pertinent resources, has the patience, tenacity, motivation, acumen, and respect to successfully shave with a straight and make it an important part of their daily life. Lesser mortals fall by the wayside, and the ones who are left, well... here we are! Natural selection in action...

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  3. #3
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I'll give you both in some instances.
    You've got to be thinking to consider a straight.
    Using a straight demands thought.
    That said, there're morons everywhere.


  4. #4
    kca is offline
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    Honestly, I think that it takes a certain kind of person to dedicate themselves to using a straight razor for their daily shaves and even another kind of person to take it to the next level and join an internet forum for straight razor enthusiasts dd

    I really think that it has the most to do with my latter statement. I only somewhat recently joined my first forum and I was blown away by the generosity, politeness, respect, helpfulness and inclusiveness they demonstrated. I immediately recognized those same characteristics when I stumbled across this place.

    My theory is that when you take a group of people that are enthusiastic about a hobby/art/skill/ etc. and compare them to society in general, you are dealing with a different breed...people that want to share their experiences and teach and help others learn more about the hobby.

    So my theory goes: People that take the time to reach out to others with similar interests and are passionate about their hobbies or interests maybe also happen to be more considerate and thoughtful...just a thought.

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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I'll give you both in some instances.
    You've got to be thinking to consider a straight.
    Using a straight demands thought.
    That said, there're morons everywhere.

    +1 to that! Someone who uses a straight is, by definition, someone who doesn't follow the crowd ... otherwise they'd be using a BIC disposable. A decision to go your own way requires thought and then, if you're not thinking, you'll cut yourself.

  6. #6
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    Str8 shaving requires both patience and dedication. As such, it necessarily follows that a particular type of person will gravitate towards using a str8.

    I could be wrong but..... I generally believe that people with those two particular attributes tend to be of a more generous in nature.

    Impatient people are often, but not always, so caught up in their own needs that they don't always have time to share with helping others.

  7. #7
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xman View Post
    I'll give you both in some instances.
    You've got to be thinking to consider a straight.
    Using a straight demands thought.
    That said, there're morons everywhere.

    Maybe if morons used straights without thinking, would we have fewer morons?

  8. #8
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    That explains the (in)famous kenrup starter kit. Weeding them out arent you. Thanks.

  9. #9
    A Newbie....Forever! zepplin's Avatar
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    +1 on all that has been said so far.

    There is a list somewhere; I read it about a year ago. The list was about "what kind of man shaves with a straight razor?" - and the list went on to describe different attributes of that kind of man. - This man fixed things around the house, wore 100% cotton shirts, loved old things, I can't remember them all, -- like the kind of car he drove, etc., etc.. A rennisaunce kind of guy!

    Yes, a thoughtful person who happens to "be his own man!".

    A man of higher consiousness!

    (How comes we don't have a "spell checker?)

  10. #10
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default GRAMMAR POLICE !!!

    Quote Originally Posted by zepplin View Post
    A man of higher consiousness!

    (How comes we don't have a "spell checker?)
    1. consciousness
    2. Because you don't use ... Firefox web browser | Faster, more secure, & customizable


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