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  1. #11
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Larger blades are usually considered awkward for a beginner but not impossible IMHO.
    5/8 - 6/8 is considered a good starting size and many stay with that size too.

    +1 thats a good place to learn, then as you become more proficient you can alter you routine in any way that suits you.
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  2. #12
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    That is a NICE first razor! You've bought it now, so there's no point worrying whether you could've got it cheaper. Good luck with learning to use it, even if you practise on a cheaper one for a while.

  3. #13
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ben.mid View Post
    That is a NICE first razor! You've bought it now, so there's no point worrying whether you could've got it cheaper. Good luck with learning to use it, even if you practise on a cheaper one for a while.
    Exactly. I'm very envious.. that is a fine blade.

    I'm practicing with some very cheap, very vintage, sharpened by me straights until I get proficient, then I'm going to pry the Visa out of my wife's hands and go nuts.

  4. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Larger blades are usually considered awkward for a beginner but not impossible IMHO. 5/8 - 6/8 is considered a good starting size and many stay with that size too.
    I started with a 4/8ths, and still consider that a mistake. Borrowed both of them out to a friend (well, distant acquaintance) now.

    Great razor, indeed. Bit pricey, really, but never you mind. Keep it safely locked away until you have ruined your first cheap razor or strop, whichever comes first. At the time of writing, the Classifieds are full of beginners's razors at budget prices.

    Only, they are not. They are very lovely, indeed.

    Only, they are not. Unless you either do not have a wife, or better command over her than apparently everyone else here does. They are horrible. Stay away from them. Really.

    Now then, where is the bloody credit card?

  5. #15
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=BeBerlin;276464]I started with a 4/8ths, and still consider that a mistake. Borrowed both of them out to a friend (well, distant acquaintance) now.

    I guess size does matter I still find 4/8ths a bit tricky but love them for trimming and clean up passes.
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  6. #16
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    Wwww that's a nice looking blade! well, regardless of anything else, that's how much it cost to get that razor at that time and if you're willing to pay the money then who cares if it's a bit more than you could have paid?

    Enjoy it! and being careful with something with such comparritive value is sound advice with anything in the world

  7. #17
    En Plein Forme Fudas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BeBerlin View Post
    The Classifieds are full of beginners's razors at budget prices.

    Only, they are not. They are very lovely, indeed.

    Only, they are not. Unless you either do not have a wife, or better command over her than apparently everyone else here does. They are horrible. Stay away from them. Really.

    Sorry friend, you lost me. I think I should buy a practice blade though. Seems to be the consensus.

  8. #18
    En Plein Forme Fudas's Avatar
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    I'm here to brag! I just finished my very first shave with a straight blade, with nary a single nick, cut, or red spot in sight! I received my Friodur today from Manyrazor, and I was so excited I just had to try it. All the advice about practicing on a lesser blade first was well considered, but I mean c'mon... the razor was just sitting there, looking at me. I couldn't wait another two weeks to receive another one! Anyway, Manyrazor said the thing would be shave-ready, so I thought I'd try my hand.

    I was initially intending to just start with my cheeks to practice, and then switch back to my DE, but I was doing so well that I thought I'd charge on. I hit the neck, upper lip, and even the chin, without a single mark!

    I'll gladly admit though that I chickened out after the first pass, and switched back to my DE for the second pass. This straight razor is truly terrifying. Still not bad for a first try though, eh!

    And now I shall put my Friodur away until I procur at least a hone and strop. Forth the Merkur for now.
    Last edited by Fudas; 11-04-2008 at 06:45 AM.

  9. #19
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    I knew you'd have to give it a go! I'm just the same. Glad it was a success! You'll have ups & downs & probably feel like you're going backwards sometimes, but just remember how that first successful shave went & stick with it! Well done mate!

  10. #20
    Just one more lap... FloorPizza's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fudas View Post
    I'm here to brag! I just finished my very first shave with a straight blade, with nary a single nick, cut, or red spot in sight! I received my Friodur today from Manyrazor, and I was so excited I just had to try it. All the advice about practicing on a lesser blade first was well considered, but I mean c'mon... the razor was just sitting there, looking at me. I couldn't wait another two weeks to receive another one! Anyway, Manyrazor said the thing would be shave-ready, so I thought I'd try my hand.

    I was initially intending to just start with my cheeks to practice, and then switch back to my DE, but I was doing so well that I thought I'd charge on. I hit the neck, upper lip, and even the chin, without a single mark!

    I'll gladly admit though that I chickened out after the first pass, and switched back to my DE for the second pass. This straight razor is truly terrifying. Still not bad for a first try though, eh!

    And now I shall put my Friodur away until I procur at least a hone and strop. Forth the Merkur for now.

    Very cool, man, very cool! I gotta admit, I'da done exactly the same thing! And kudos on the blood-free first shave!

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