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  1. #1
    Member GuybrushThreepwood's Avatar
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    Default Traveling with a Straight

    Do you travel with your Straight Razor?
    If so, what the best way (or just your way) to carry if when traveling?

  2. #2
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    I do. In the 1970s and 80s, I travelled a lot and packed it in my carry-on luggage because it was never recognized for what it was. I wouldn't try that today. Since checked baggage can be lost, it's always an inexpensive razor that I can afford to lose. I have a small barber hone, travel brush and container of Proraso in my Dopp kit. On long trips, I also take a strop but on short trips I will strop on the heel of my hand or a newspaper.

  3. #3
    Lover of the Boar Big_E's Avatar
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    Not really traveling, so to speak but I bicycle to work and take my straight along in my travel case. I store it in a plastic toothbrush container. The kind you buy at cvs. Keeps it snug.

  4. #4
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    I would have to safely assume it has to go in checked baggage. However, I'll follow this thread closely for ideas too..

  5. #5
    Life is short, filled with Stuff joke1176's Avatar
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    I have an old zip-close faux-leather case from an electric razor: I put my brush, razor (in old school toothbrush tube), and aftershave in that. I have a cool travel strop (from Francisco) that I roll up around the shave cream and hold with a rubberband.

    Pretty small package overall, and has everything I need for travel. Safe and snug.

  6. #6
    . Bill S's Avatar
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    I travel with a straight or two stowed in my checked bag. I also use a TI travel strop and case that works just fine on the road. If I want to pare down even more , then the Feather does the trick.
    Last edited by Bill S; 11-20-2008 at 03:47 PM.

  7. #7
    "My words are of iron..."
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    I've travelled the US and Europe with a straight in a TI strop kit. The only problem was once, when post-inspection, the TSA git didn't put the razor completely back in the leather slip. It was open when I reached into the bag at the hotel. One of THOSE cuts. I felt the pressure not the cut. Fortunately, my survival kit includes I use some blue painter's tape.
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  8. #8
    Grumpy old sod Whiskers's Avatar
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    I've traveled Europe with a straight as well... in the checked baggage, of course. I use a cigar coffin (cigar box for a single cigar) to secure the razor(s) with a small clean rag in there to make sure is doesnt bounce around.

    Usually a hotel will offer complimentary newspapers, so stropping isnt a problem.

    A small barber hone or a finishing hone is useful if the trip is extended. I brought my chinese 12K along for the ride... but I was in Europe for almost 2 months so I felt I could justify bringing it.

    The travel toothbrush container is a great idea.

    I guess I was lucky coming through customs. My bags didnt get searched so I didnt recieve any 'suprises' when I unpacked.

  9. #9
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I use a feather (Bill's old one ) for traveling: no stropping, no humidity issues, and no emotional attachment. Anything bad happens to it... tough luck.

    The shaves aren't as nice, and I don't get as smooth as with a real razor. But I don't travel that much, and this is the most convenient option so I can put up with it. And the razor itself is quite good in terms of quality and ease of maintenance.
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  10. #10
    Member GuybrushThreepwood's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mike Blue View Post
    I've travelled the US and Europe with a straight in a TI strop kit. The only problem was once, when post-inspection, the TSA git didn't put the razor completely back in the leather slip. It was open when I reached into the bag at the hotel. One of THOSE cuts. I felt the pressure not the cut. Fortunately, my survival kit includes I use some blue painter's tape.
    Thanks for sharing that. If I travel with a straight now I'll put a bit a tape to hold the blade in place incase something like this happens. I wouldn't have ever thought of that unless it happened.

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