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  1. #1
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    Default Is there a bit of a straight shaving "boom" going on?

    I've only been using the str8 for a few weeks now. So i have been reading....a lot. and searching the forums... a lot.

    Looking at threads towards the '08(and more dramatic the farther back you go) there has been a pretty steady increase in the cost of all things str8 least from my brief research

    Am I the only one seeing this? Is there a "boom" or is this more of a result of the economy in general and the weaker dollar? Combination of things?

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Straight shaving is becoming vogue as is wet shaving in general. I have see the price of stuff like straights on EBay and hones from different places going up. There have even been times when straight razors of certain types were out of stock at different web stores. THere are still good prices to be found, you just have to look harder for them.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  3. #3
    Senior Member igitur55's Avatar
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    The greenback is actually very strong right now against a large basket of currencies (not the Yen, though, it is very strong right now). If you wanted to buy razors from European websites, now would be a good time to scoop up relative bargains (always assuming they have adjusted their exchange rates as the Euro and GBP have fallen). Always assuming, too, that the EUR and GBP do not have even further to fall!

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The real question is, is all this interest in straights coming from shavers or collectors and how many of these new shavers stick with it?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #5
    Senior Member Mike257's Avatar
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    For me I just got sick of running out of disposables and paying $16 for a 4 pack of them things, Everytime I have to run to the supermarket to buy them I think I could be buying a half a tank of gas . Or the times I am on my way home from work on payday and I put $40 of gas in my jeep then spend another $20 on a 5 pack of razors, Im like I just spent $60 and I just got paid 30 mins ago. I just decided to go with a straight and never have to worry about not having something to shave with every again, it was just ****ing me off everytime I had to buy those 5 blade disposables, the price has just got ridicolus . The problem now is I could easily see myself collecting straights so where's the savings ?

  6. #6
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    true that you might not save, as the RAD sets in, but also consider that you could use just one blade if your budget required it. I'll be picking up one or two vintage razors this weekend to restore, and that will be it. so if each razor costs the same as a pack of the blades I was using, then its one thing that can get moved from the budget. I can still shave and I can get a better shave without throwing something out.
    I've heard that you don't own what you can't fix, and I hate spending money on things I don't own.

  7. #7
    Senior Member TheBeardedCommodore's Avatar
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    I noticed that too is it does seem to be a small upsurge i spent a week and a half at auction till i got a razor.

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