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Thread: Shave test???

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Default Shave test???

    I never had this problem but recently i am in trouble a little.
    I am unable to do shave test no more then 3 razor's?Are there any other ways do test more then 3 razor's.My face hair grows ok.i shave every other day.and end up testing no more then 6 blades for 5 days.1 day need rest.I was lucky Person did understand my situation but i don't want to have this situation forever?
    Thank You for all advise.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I break them into passes Sam, I can "test shave" 8 in one day myself that is my max out number... I had to figure it out ...
    Plus I just really don't have enough time to hone more than 8 in one day anyway, because at least half of those are restores which take quite a bit more work on getting the bevels set....

    I do ATG passes on the neck, my most sensitive spot, that gets 4 razors right there..(2 on each side)
    Then the other 4 WTG on the cheeks... (2 on each side)
    Then I reverse the process on the second pass...

    The only person I know that does more than that is Lynn so maybe he can help you out if you are honing more than 8 in a day...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 03-07-2009 at 06:54 PM.

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  4. #3
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    I can test 6 razors with each shave. I do three passes. I test 1st razor on one side of face then 2nd razor on other side. 3 and 4 for second pass then 5 and 6 for third pass.

    Don't go to the light. bj

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  6. #4
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    Dude! You got hairy legs I bet. I bet you can start testing a dozen or so every day.

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Okay, I don't offer honing services and I shave every day. My reason for not offering the service is that I have turned a hobby into a semi business in the past and found it changed what was an enjoyable pastime into another job.

    I am with OLD_SCHOOL in that for me a test of a razor is a complete two pass shave. No help there for Sham but that is just my take on it. I do understand why honemiesters who are sort of fooling with a deadline would take the multiple razor per shave approach and that illustrates my point I think.
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  9. #6
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    For really assessing a razors shaving quality, I can only compare 2 during the same shave. I divide my face in two halves and shave each half completely with another razor. That way I can not only compare the shaving experience, but also my skin condition post-shave and the closeness of the result. For interpreting the results of honing experiments, I shave 3 times with each razor of a group of 4, over a course of 6 shaves. I make sure that each razor was tested on both halves of my face, in a attempt to rule out small differences in shave technique between the left and right half.

    But I suppose Sham was talking about testing before declaring a razor "shaveready" and sending it back to the owner. For that, I can only really tell after going ATG with a razor. In this case I can do about 6 at the same shave, all ATG: 1. left side of neck, 2. middle part of neck, 3. right side of neck, 4. left cheek, 5. right cheek, 6. chin. Before I do that, the razor has passed my calibrated version of the HHT, so I know it's got good keenness. And I have inspected the edge under magnification. If it passes those two inspections (HHT and magnification), and I find a smooth pull-free shaving action ATG, I'll declare the razor "shaveready".

    This kind of ATG-testshaving with multiple razors is my least favorite part of offering honing service. I makes the shaving experience overly technical and less relaxing. For that reason I try to line up razors for test shaving, so that I can also still enjoy a more personal relaxing shave with a carefully chosen razor out of my small personal collection. I shave 3 to 4 times a week. There usually one test session among them, sometimes two, but it's not always with 6 at once.


  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Bart For This Useful Post:

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  11. #7
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bart View Post
    But I suppose Sham was talking about testing before declaring a razor "shaveready" and sending it back to the owner. For that, I can only really tell after going ATG with a razor.

    Exactly !!!! ATG tells a great story....

  12. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    Default Thank You all

    I appreciate everyones help.
    I should tell how i do my test in details it will help others to understand my situation.
    I separate my face 3 parts.Right side left side and chin area.
    Now i test every razor only 1 part.Shave right side with grain then second pass AGT THAT is all that test finish.Same for left side lastly chin area.That is why i am doing no more then 3.obviously what i learn this is whole a lot less then should be. i will try 4 next time lets see what happens.
    When i start shaving 4 years ago i had razor burns.i used forget how person feels when get razor burns , not anymore.This shave test is funny stuff left side fine right side is burned heheheh.People asking what is wrong with you can 't say shave test hehehe

  13. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    For my money the chin area and either side of the windpipe separates the "men from the boys" figuratively speaking. Any other area of my whiskers will be removed easily even with an average blade. YMMV.
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  14. #10
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Once you guys hone enough razors, you will develop a sense of how the razor cuts on any stroke. That said, if ever a question, across the grain or the chin usually will tell you for sure. For me, no other tests up to the point of shaving are really meaningful. The microscope is handy on occasion too.

    Have fun,

    Last edited by Lynn; 03-08-2009 at 10:03 PM.

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