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  1. #1
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    Default Razors with disposable/replaceable blades??

    Hi all, I'm looking to start shaving with a straight razor and I couldn't find any reviews on the two beginner's (read: cheap!) razors I found...

    The Fromm replaceable blade razor, and the Dovo Shavette.

    I'm leaning toward the Fromm simply because it's cheaper and if I don't enjoy this I won't be out much, but then the nicer looks of the Dovo interest me again.

    Disregarding money and looks, which one is better? The difference really is only a few dollars, and I'd like something that I won't get frustrated at because of poor quality.

    Thanks in advance, everyone.

  2. #2
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    I've only tried the Fromm. Mine is the cheap looking all metal one that somehow reminds me of a can opener or something. In all fairness mine was a hair shaper I think. It shaved me ok, but it was a little light, easier to cut oneself than with a regular straight. Lots of folks on here have said good things about shavettes, if you ask nice some of them might even have one. Another one people mention alot is the feather (sold at it gets rave reviews but I will wait til I can borrow one or they get cheaper, they are still somewhat pricy for me.
    You may just want to take the plunge and ask around for a real straight. Once they are sharp they are very forgiving.
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  3. #3
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    Hm, I don't quite want to spend that much on a razor to start with, as I'm not certain I'll enjoy the process. I don't want a cheap piece of junk that will do nothing but frustrate me, however.

    Of the two, Fromm and Dovo, you seem to be hinting that the Dovo is much nicer in quality (can opener it isn't!)

    The inexpensiveness of the Fromm is attractive, but if it won't be a good choice for a beginner, I'll have to get the Dovo. Other than those, are there any low cost (less than $40 for the shaver/blades) replaceable blade shavers?

  4. #4
    Senior Member sensei_kyle's Avatar
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    Another thing to do is check local beauty supply shops. I picked up a very cheap Fromm look-alike, plus two 5-packs of Personna blades for about $14.

  5. #5
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    Already tried that, the places around here (Sally's, CB Sullivan) don't carry anything remotely nice enough for shaving.

    They did have a Fromm-lookalike, but it was a shaper and the guard could only swing open to change the blade - you couldn't detatch it.

    I think I'm going to pony up and buy the Dovo, as I've read a few reviews to the effect of "Fromm disposable blade razor will only frustrate you, cut you, etc"

    Thanks everyone! I'll keep you all updated on how I'm doing with this endeavor, and if I have any questions I won't hesitate to ask.

    This is a great forum, thanks for the warm welcome and quick responses.

  6. #6
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    I can sure put in a good word for the shavette. With the black insert and the long blades, it feels very much like one of my straights. I gave mine to one of my sons about a month ago, and now he's a dedicated straight shaver. He won't let me buy him a straight though. Says he prefers the shavette. (Why are kids always so weird?)

  7. #7

    Default Fromm blades as sharp as Feather? Merkur?

    So are the Fromm blades on par with the Feather or Merker DE blades?

  8. #8
    Shaving Traditionalist fdoosey's Avatar
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    I also use the Shavette for now, but I use the green insert with the longer Fromm blades., and I have had a great time shaving with it. I did use the red insert that came with it along with the mini Dovo blade, and I might try it again, not sure if the blade size makes for a different shave technique.

    But it's probably not so much the holder as the blade you use. I got the Dovo mainly due to recommendations from the SRP board (and to throw some money at Ray!) and I am very impressed with it.

    Still, I long for the day when I get my first permanent straight. I'll hit up the wife for a b-day gift...

  9. #9
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    I'm brand new to straight edge shaving as well. I went the cheap route for all the same reasons and bought a Parker SRW with replaceable blades. Already regretting it. I feel I've gotten pretty good at the whole thing, but still cut myself a fair amount and I've decided it's the blades fault (ha!). Maybe it's still me being a rookie, but the thing is so light and has no "feel" to it that I suspect it's partly to blame. Bottom line: I'm guessing a huge percentage of people that even TRY this, end up sticking to it. So if you haven't already, I'd say get the good stuff straight away (just hit "Classifieds" above).

  10. #10
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    You probably won't get any responses to this post because all the previous posters are deceased already-just kidding.

    Using a disposable means realizing it is very unforgiving and cutting yourself is very easy. I've never used one myself but if I was going to I would buy the cheapest quality one until I decided if I was going to stick to it. The key there is quality.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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