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  1. #31
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    Being in the medical field, I can let you guys in on a secret...alcohol is a low-level disinfectant and even household bleach is only an intermediate-level disinfectant. You want something hospital grade like glutaraldehyde

    If you're using bleach to disinfect your blades, remember that disinfection does not eliminate merely reduces the number. Even then, you would have to let your blade sit in the bleach for nearly a full day in order to do a complete cold sterile on it. items like the glutaraldehyde will do a cold sterile in about ten hours and doesn't have the bad reactions that bleach will have on a blade left overnight soaking. Remember that 'hospital grade' means that it has tuburculocidal action and needs to eliminate tuburculosis.

    Prior to disinfection or sterilization, consider a run through the ultrasonic cleaner. Sterilants and disinfectants will only sterilize the metal they can reach. In the event that some bioburder (microscopic chunks of flesh, etc) remain on the blade, the sterilant will be innefective in that area and only sterilizes, it does not REMOVE the bioburden.

    The glutaraldehyde is great stuff to use just about anywhere in the house, but your house will end up smelling like a dentist's office when you're done.

    Here's a quick primer on the disinfection/sterilization

    If you're not interested in this whole procedure, try spraying your blade with Lysol...ever read the back and see everything it kills on contact...awesome stuff.
    Last edited by red96ta; 10-31-2009 at 04:20 PM.

  2. #32
    Junior Member kiflo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by red96ta View Post
    Here's a quick primer on the disinfection/sterilization Guidelines for Sterilization & Disinfection

    Are those products available for the general public? And can they all be applied to razor blades? Would Barbicide have the same effects as those?
    Also, can you boil all types of razor blade steel? (stainless, carbon steel)

  3. #33
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiflo View Post
    Are those products available for the general public? And can they all be applied to razor blades? Would Barbicide have the same effects as those?
    Also, can you boil all types of razor blade steel? (stainless, carbon steel)
    Barbicide is an excellent, hospital-grade product. I find it strange how little it gets mention on this site.

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  5. #34
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    For anyone who reads the suggestions of the OP and decides to use bleach on a razor, just go ahead and hit it with a hammer and put it out of its misery. Bleach will rust carbon steel right in front of your eyes. Ever seen time lapse photography of frost formation on a window? Well, under a microscope, the rust formation looks just like that. If you feel the need to bleach your razor, then you'd better follow up immediately with a good buffing with a metal polish and hope you get it all removed.
    Last edited by Utopian; 01-05-2011 at 08:54 PM.

  6. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Utopian For This Useful Post:

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  7. #35
    Senior Member ats200's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    A non wet shaving co-worker of mine told me that he cannot remember where he read it (of course) but more people die from infections caused by shaving then by rattlesnake bites or lightning strikes. (it was one or the other, not both together)
    I think the odds of being killed by lightning are 1/2,000,000 and 1/50,000,000 for death by snake bite.

    You have a better chance of getting a hole in one next time you go golfing than even being "injured" by a razor.

    Sorry, these things interest me.

  8. #36
    Junior Member kiflo's Avatar
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    Im a newbie but after reading about this I think its fair to say that:

    Dipping the blade in Barbicide for a while, cleaning it with soap and a brush, and boiling the blade for couple minutes and drying it will disinfect the blade enough. Maybe wipe some 70% alcohol and sunlight to be absolutely sure.

    But Bleach should be avoided as it damages the blade and wont do any good.

  9. #37
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiflo View Post
    Dipping the blade in Barbicide for a while, cleaning it with soap and a brush, and boiling the blade for couple minutes and drying it will disinfect the blade enough. Maybe wipe some 70% alcohol and sunlight to be absolutely sure.
    Well, you won't be absolutely sure, but maybe you'll feel better.
    If you decide to boil the blade, you'd better be darn sure to protect your scales. Many of them cannot handle the heat of the steam coming off of the boiling water. Whatever effort you use to protect your hand from the heat should also be used to protect the scales.

  10. #38
    Junior Member kiflo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    Well, you won't be absolutely sure, but maybe you'll feel better.
    If you decide to boil the blade, you'd better be darn sure to protect your scales. Many of them cannot handle the heat of the steam coming off of the boiling water. Whatever effort you use to protect your hand from the heat should also be used to protect the scales.
    Right, I'm not sure how I would go about boiling the blade yet but I sure won't let the scales over where the steam goes.
    And we'll maybe you won't be absolutely sure, but wouldn't it be as sure as can be? Is there anything else that can further disinfect the blade? And would it be enough for disinfecting a new blade?

  11. #39
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kiflo View Post
    Right, I'm not sure how I would go about boiling the blade yet but I sure won't let the scales over where the steam goes.
    And we'll maybe you won't be absolutely sure, but wouldn't it be as sure as can be? Is there anything else that can further disinfect the blade? And would it be enough for disinfecting a new blade?
    I think you're way to worried about this. If you're genuinely concerned, the barbicide along would be the best you can do short of autoclaving.

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  13. #40
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I can attest to the corrosive properties of bleach from personal experience. Years ago before I straight shaved and was using a DE I had bought a brand spanking new mercur DE, don't remember the name but it's the expensive one vision I think. I decided to soak it in about an 80% bleach solution for about 20 minutes to clean it. When I came back the plating was gone and there were big pits in the razor. Actually come to think of it when I trashed that, that's when I decided to get a straight and try that.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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