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    zib is offline
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    Default Giant Barber Equipment Sale....

    Do to the recent extremely high Ebay prices, I'm thinking of having a "Going out of business sale" Did you guys see the recent DD and Puma?
    WTF? This is absolutely ridiculous. I know for a fact that neither bidder are in the U.S. I figure if I sell all my Hones, Str8's, Strops, Barber Boxes, Soaps, Creams, and other misc stuff I can probably buy a second home in the suburbs somewhere and rent it out...or maybe another Harley.

    God, are you kidding? someone once said, A razor is worth whatever someone's willing to spend on it. Well, I have about 20 ducks and 4 Puma's
    So, what' 24 x 700?, And that's just those, I have about 75 other primo razors...I'm gonna be an Ebay Millionaire....Packin up the truck and movin to Beverly....Hills that is, Simmin pools, Movie Stars.....

    Hey Max, Are you busy, I got some work for you bro, I'll be at the Luxor...

    How bad can it be shaving with a disposable....It's like riding a bike, right...?
    Hell, it's gotta be cheaper.....
    Last edited by zib; 05-08-2009 at 12:32 AM.
    We have assumed control !

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