Recently, my grandmother was the move, she went through everything in her attic, and found a bunch of stuff that had belonged to her grandfather. I don't know much about this stuff, but I can tell you the information she gave to me, which may or may not be correct.
She claims most of this stuff was at least a few decades old when she was born (in 1945). She claims the handle on the razor is some sort of horn (it looks like bakelite to me but I'm hardly an expert. Here are the pictures of the stuff, along with a strop that belonged to the same man but had been sitting in my grandfather's bathroom for 40 years until about 6 months ago. Any sort of information on age, materials, manufacturer, and particularly what part of the sharpening process to use the stones in would be helpful.

The razor-box appears to be some sort of very stiff leather, and those insets look like mother-of-pearl. I've translated the card for the Rich-Con stone, if anybody need to know.

The writing, if you can't read it, says "Clauss", then "FREMONT, O" below that.

It's hard to see, but in the pictures below, I'm trying to show something odd about the razor's condition...much of the razor has a mirror shine to it, but there are big swaths of heavy tarnish (though not exactly rust) on it, particularly on one side. Perhaps the oil ran over time, and the Gulf Coast air got to the rest of it? It still seems a little specific.